
Rating: 4.73076923077 out of 5 with 27 ratings

PatchMD Vendor

27 Reviews for PatchMD
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As a long term post op I got tired and slacked off taking all those pills. The patch concept was perfect. I track my labs and they are working great for me. Have used them for years and will continue to do so.

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1 person found this helpful

Nutritional Value

Received a sample of this at the OH2017 Conference and love the ease of use. I also ordered the Multivitamin patches to give them all a try and see how effective the patch will be in my long vitamin needs. The rep was really nice and knowledgeable.

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Nutritional Value

Have Been on the Patch Multivitamin 5 months.

Got some bloodwork back today and all seems steady and good.

A few points:

Vitamin D- I have been Vit D deficient for over a decade pre-WLS. I finally started taking a liquid Vit D supplement and take 20,000mg a day just to get myself in the bottom range of normal. Without changing that dosage and adding the patch, I am now at 86 in a range of 30-100. So I am absorbing the vitamin D from the patch. Very excited about this. Have never had a Vit D this high.

B-12- I was taking 2000mg B-12 sublingually daily prior to the patch. I need to be at the high end of normal or high or I start to get symptoms even though I never bottom out into deficient. When I started the patch- because it has B-12 in it I cut back to one 1000mg sublingual. Well my B-12 has held steady at 1100. So again I am absorbing the B-12 from the patch.

Very happy using the Patch MD vitamin

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Nutritional Value

I had RNY in 2001 and had issues with my vitamin levels. It was always so difficult for me to take all of my vitamins and still feel like I could get my food and fluids in. I wish PatchMD had been around then, I think it would have made my early post op days so much easier. However, since finding them a year ago, I have faithfully been purchasing all of my vitamin needs from them, including the B12 patch. I apply one patch per day and I feel great. I can tell when I have forgotten to apply them, as I don't feel as energetic. I am thankful these are now available and would recommend them to anyone, regardless of surgery type.

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Taking my vitamins is always hit and miss especially the sub-lingual B-12 with the horrible taste and lasting aftertaste. I stumbled across patch md almost by accident I bought my first 30 day supply about 3 months ago and have been buying every 30 days these patches make taking my vitamins a breeze. I also use the D3 and the multivitamin.

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1 person found this helpful

Nutritional Value

These patches work very well for me. Oral vitamins didn't seem to work for me but my labs got better after using Patch MD vitamins patches.

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Nutritional Value

These patches work very well for me. Oral vitamins didn't seem to work for me but my labs got better after using Patch MD vitamins patches.

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Nutritional Value

I have been using the patches for over 5 years now and my labs have been great. LOVE THEM as they work for me and I slap them on in the am and take them off in the PM and never give it a thought. So easy and I feel so great!

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Nutritional Value

I am a long term post op and stopped taking my iron for awhile... Just got tired of the pills and taste of the supplements. My labs tanked and I started using the patches. Kept close watch on my labs and my iron count came back up and has been great ever since. I have been using the patches for over 5 years now and will never go back to pills.

(indicates that they have used the product)

Nutritional Value

As a long term post op I got tired and slacked off taking all those pills. The patch concept was perfect. I track my labs and they are working great for me. Have used them for years and will continue to do so.

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