Does anyone need an angel?

Erin C.
on 6/2/06 5:43 am - Toledo, OH
Hi I just wanted to let you all know that if you need an angel, I am willing to be one. Just email me or post here. Wishing you all the best with your upcoming surgery. Take care Erin
on 6/4/06 3:39 am - Bonham, TX
I'm not sure what an Angel does, but I need all of the encouragement I can get. Yes, I do need an Angel. Thanks, Kathleen Schwedler
Erin C.
on 6/4/06 4:33 am - Toledo, OH
Ok Kathleen I will would love to be your angel. I will send you email.
on 6/10/06 3:38 pm - Griffith, IN
Erin, What exactly does an angel do? I am in the process of getting everything to the hospital so the coordinator can send the info to the insurance company. I am hoping to have the lap band procedure...well, at least I was for sure. Its that I don't like being cut up as I have had a bad experience with my first cesarian section many years ago. That's why I thought the laproscopic procedure would be best. What can you tell me about the procedure you had? I lived in Toledo for six wonderful years and loved everything about it. From the moment we lived there till the time I had to move back to NW Indiana it felt like home. More so than the real home ever did!!! My daughter lived there till a year and a half ago finishing up her Masters at the university. I miss it SOOO much. I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for reading this! Anna
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