If you need an angel I am willing to support you

on 6/4/06 4:59 am - Sheboygan, WI
Attention June 2006 Surgery Babies: If you need support I am willing to do whatever I can to support you in your journey to the other side. I know what it is like to go through this process without someone who understands. I got an angel about 3 weeks before my surgery and I beleive that she made a big difference in my life. I want to be that person who makes a difference for another. If you need support email me and we will go from there. Again Good Luck to all of the June Surgery Babies!!!!
Kayla S.
on 6/4/06 11:41 pm - Midfield, TX
Yolanda.. You are soo sweet! How wonderful to offer us your support. I do have an angel but there was a post from the 3rd that requested an angel...I dont know if she has seen your post or not. I did reply to her request and told her to look for you. I hope she finds you. Her name was dee l. Thanks for your consideration! May you succeed in everything you do! kayla
on 6/5/06 11:25 am - Raleigh, NC
Hi Yolanda, I do not have an angel yet if you are still available??? I go in tomorrow at 7:30am!!!! Thinking about going and getting some Thai soup broth for a final meal.....it's almost 9:30 here. I know I'm gonna be hungry lol. Laney
Ms. Slimmie
on 6/5/06 12:16 pm - Detroit, MI
Aww, such a sweetie you are...
on 6/6/06 12:11 am - Sheboygan, WI
Thank you Yolanda! By the way I love your name. Good luck with your surgery and your new life. It will be all that you hoped for. Enjoy every victory big and small. Yolanda
on 6/7/06 4:26 am - Bridgeport, PA
I need an angel. I go in on 6/30/06
on 6/10/06 1:00 pm - Sheboygan, WI
Hi Diane, First I am glad that you decided to take this journey. You are going to be so happy with a way that you feel after that first few pounds have dropped off. I am in awe everyday. my clothes keep getting bigger and my body gets smaller. I think it will take awhile before my mind can wrap around the idea of a smaller me. Enough about me..... I will be more than happy to be your angel. I will be gald to support you in any way that I can. Just tell me what you need me to do for you. I am willing to share any information about my progress, trials and errors. If you email me with your telephone number or personal email address maybe we can speak in more detail. I am looking forward to helping you like my angel helped me( she still does). I think that having an angel made my journey a lot easier. Many blessings to you. I know that you are going to be a success. Yolanda
on 6/11/06 10:49 pm - Bridgeport, PA
I am so excited that I found an angel. I feel so much better knowing I have one. I am getting a little more nervious as they days quickly approach. Is it normal to be scared? Thanks again! I love you and do not even know u !
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