5-6 month stall, and pouch test???

Dawn the Twinsmom
on 1/24/08 8:22 pm - Worcester, MA
ok ladies, I need your help here. Have any of you been in a big stall? I have not lost anything since the beginning of December. I am actually horrified that my weight loss is over and done with. I have been doing the 5-day pouch test. I am on day 3 today. I will say, I did have some popcorn last night, I know!! NO CARBS! but I had a good workout, and did not want my blood sugars to drop, as they had in the past. I have lost NOTHING on this silly pouch test. I can feel my pouch tightening, but I was hoping this would jump-start the weight loss again. I hope it will, I really do. Also - were any of you really bloated and gassy after day 1 & 2?? I was suffering yesterday! Dawn
Leslie S.
on 1/24/08 8:33 pm
I'm sorry about your stall...that's one of the reasons that I did this pouch test. Ever since Thanksgiving my weight has gone up and down. Between months 4 and 5 with all of the 'yo-yoing' all I had lost was a total of 2 pounds! I was devasted that 4 months out of surgery I had only lost 2 pounds in a whole month!!! Between months 5 and 6 were a little better, but not much. That's when I decided to try the pouch test. I had been researching the pouch test a little, but hadn't thought too much about it because I didn't think I could be that strict with my diet again. Then, Joelle had posted a bulletin about it, so I decided to give it a whirl. Besides that strict protein diet, I think I'm doing pretty good on it. I have lost weight and I feel that my pouch is really tight again. I get full sooooooooo fast now! I really didn't get 'gassy' until after day 3. That's when I started eating boiled egg whites. I was suffering with you yesterday! I think in the long run this diet will definitely help drop some pounds because it is suppose to help break your snacking. I can definitely tell a difference there. I didn't realize just how much I was snacking!! Anyway, good luck to you and I hope you see some pounds start dropping soon!!! Leslie
Dawn the Twinsmom
on 1/25/08 2:25 am - Worcester, MA
Yeah, I hope I start dropping the pounds again soon too. I realize I ahve lost alot of weight, fast, and my body probably needs this break, but does my body know what it is doing to my mind? I not only want to lose more, I NEED to lose more. I am becoming obsessed, I think. I just do not want to fail at this like every other time I have tried to lose weight in my life. Dawn
on 1/25/08 4:14 am - Fort Leavenworth, KS
Dawn, How many calories are you eating a day? There are many reasons our bodies will go into a stall; too many calories, too many carbs and even eating too few calories. You may not be consuming enough calories. Especially if you are exercising, your body will need more calories than a non-exercising person. Consuming the small amount of calories that we do our bodies sometimes stall for survival. It thinks we are starving. I'm guessing, though I don't claim to be a nut or anything, is that doing this pouch test "diet" isn't what your body wants or needs, especially if the diet is having you consume less calories. If you are consuming under 800 calories a day, I'd add some calories (ask your nut first though). It may be just what your body needs to get out starvation mode and let you start losing again. I was in a stall too in December/January. For over 4 weeks I jumped around 173-175 lbs. Last Friday I started tracking my food again (stopped doing it when I moved in November) and I lost 4.5 lbs this week! I think my problem was I introduced too many carbs into my diet too soon. I hope you find the answers to your stall soon, I KNOW how frustrating it is! ((HUGS)) Andi
Monica P.
on 1/25/08 6:59 am - Long Beach, CA
RNY on 07/19/07 with
I'm in a very similar situation Dawn. Only I have been stalled for about 2-3 weeks. Not just a stall, but I gained back about 5 pounds!! I'm on the last day of the pouch test, I do experience fullness faster as if the pouch tightened but the scale has not budged. I take my vitamins, I drink more than enough water, I get in all my protein and then some. I may not be getting enough calories, and I may have to modify my exercise routine. I meet with a personal trainer 2 times a week, and hit the tredmill before our workouts for 30-45 minutes. the other 2-3 days of the week I take a 50 minute boxing lesson. I may need to do even more exercise, I don't know. my surgeon tells me not to worry and that I just have to wait it out. *sigh*
Jean M. B.
on 1/28/08 11:00 pm - St. Cloud, MN
Hi, Monica! Just wondering how you did on the pouch test after all? Any losses? I'm thinking of trying it too.....Take care, Jean
Monica P.
on 1/29/08 12:56 am - Long Beach, CA
RNY on 07/19/07 with
I did experience a new tightness in the pouch and I eat less than I did before. The pounds that I had gained are gone and I'm about 2 pounds lower than that. I know my period also was a factor in that gain/loss. I recommend the pouch test, especially if you're not very disciplined in following the WLS rules.
on 2/4/08 4:22 am - Stillwater, OK
I 've been stalling too..... oooh' popcorn has protein too,cool right ? Don't feel so bad, we are our worst critics. I've been totally stalling out. I've been saying the mantra " So no to plateau" So what is a pouch test?? I would be very interested to look into that further. I 've been having alot of gas too. Well I hope you don't me asking you questions, when you're the one needing info. Please write soon .... Kristin
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