Newbie to this group ....

on 6/24/04 11:42 am - Clayton, IN
Howdy! I was just recently rescheduled as of today ... not by my own fault, nor my surgeons, but by my JOB. I got called to HR today, and they wanted me to not have this during our busiest time of year (I work for a school textbook publisher/distributor). So .... although I didnt want to ... and because I am just "too nice" and dont like to cause waves, I changed my date. I was 8/26/04 ..... now I am 10/6/04. Not a lot longer .. but long enough that I am a little upset. Oh well ... time will go fast I hope. Nice to meet everyone in here, and I hope we all have successful surgeries!! ...until later ..... Susan Delphi, IN Lap RNY scheduled Dr. Inman - St. Vincent, Carmel, IN United Healthcare Insurance
on 6/30/04 7:05 pm - Las Vegas, NV
I to have a surgery date of 6 Oct 2004, so maybe we could switch cells and phone #'s so we can check on each other. I have many family in Ft. Wayne Ind and here in Vegas I only have my husband an a handfull of good friends. But my mom will be out for 2 weeks to work with me and learn what choice I have taken. I have been so flexible at work but had to say this is for me and I can not continue to change the dates, we will always have crisis.. Well I do hope to hear from you susan. My email addy is [email protected] KarenH
on 7/9/04 12:06 am - Clayton, IN
ok, i will email you at home.
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