Keep posting !!

on 11/19/05 2:20 pm - Maple Valley, WA
I hope everyone here keeps posting - and updating.

on 11/20/05 4:30 am - Dexter, ME
I hope they all keep posting too. I find so much encouragement and surport on this site. I can relate much easier to people who are the same amount of time post op. as myself.
on 11/20/05 12:51 pm - Maple Valley, WA
Yes - it seems the further people get out from surgery - the posting dwindles. I hope at least some of the people in the October '04 keep participating. I like to see how others in the same time frame are doing.
on 11/23/05 1:58 am - Hattiesburg, MS
Hey yall.... I stepped away from the October board for awhile. I stopped in today to check on yall. Sounds like everyone is doing good. Gonna go respond to older posts and try to keep myself coming here more often. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.
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