RNY November 19th

on 11/9/12 3:46 am
RNY on 11/19/12

Anyone else scheduled for their RNY or other WLS on November 19th?????  It'd be great to have a buddy!  :)

on 11/12/12 9:17 am

Hi Caitlin:  I'm close ....November 16th.  I hope I'm able to come home soon after.   I try to get on this board just about every day. 

I see the header says you're writing from the Pacific Time Zone.  Is that home or vacation? .   Where are you having your surgery done?  

I'm going to be at Beaumont in Royal Oak, Michigan  I would love to keep in touch with someone who will understand about where I'm at on the plan.  There are so many different plans for RNY and I think it would be great to talk with someone,


Good luck on the 19th and I'll be thinking about you.

Patty Jo

Michigan gal

Patty Jo Nichols

a/k/a  PJ

on 11/13/12 12:01 am
RNY on 11/19/12

Hi Patti Jo!


I've been trying to get on the board every day too.  This pre-op diet is killing me!  I'm not sure why it says Pacific Time Zone, I'm in Wisconsin!  Home is Wisconsin, but I'll be having surgery in Cleveland (where my parents live, so I can stay with them for a few weeks).  I'm getting it done at the Cleveland Clinic.  I'd love to keep in touch!

You're only 3 days a way!  I bet you're so excited to just get it done with!  That's where I'm at now.    I can't wait!!!  Everyone tells me I'm crazy for doing it right before Thanksgiving, but I don't think it'll be too bad.  How do you plan on dealing with that?  Good luck Friday!  I'll be thinking of you!



on 11/14/12 11:41 am

Hi Caitlin:

Cleveland Clinic is about 2 hours from my house...one of my best friends had her bariatric surgery done there 7 years ago...she always raves about how she got great care and really great doctors.  As I mentioned before I'm having my surgery here in Michigan at Beaumont and I just found out both Cleveland Clinic and Beaumont have the exact same program and practices...so we WILL be able to compare notes after all.   I had my pre-surgery blood draw today and now I know it is real.  Well I certainly understand why people think we are all nuts for doing this during the holidays, but my take is ...  I'm going to enjoy future holidays more is I'm NO LONGER diabetic, with high blood pressure etc;.   Don't you just know we spend one or two days getting everything ready for Thanksgiving and in 20 minutes it is all over !   SO I decided why let 20 minutes of my life take priority over the rest of my life.  As for me it is just my husband and I so it is no big deal.   I did buy a Small Turkey and trimming for him.  I also told him if he wants I'll go so far as to tell him how HE can cook it and everything else is instant.   He won't be having his favorite things because I'd have to hand make them and it is my intention to stay away from the kitchen.  Thanksgiving Day is also our 15th Wedding Anniversary and don't you know Christmas is next, followed by New Years, His Birthday in January etc;  There would never be a good time.  So here we go......  tomorrow is my final check off and then surgery is Friday at 12:00 noon.  Whoopie.  It is so wonderful that you are going to be at your parents house...I know that will comfort you.  When you get back to Wisconsin it will be so refreshing.   I spent most of my Summers when I was growing up in Wisconsin.   Some of my family is still there (Burlington).   You live in a beautiful State.    After I post tomorrow I won't be back on the boards until next week.  But it will all go so fast .. (I hope) hahahaha

In the meantime do take care and I'll make sure you have extra prayers on the 19th.

Hugs,  Patty Jo

Patty Jo Nichols

a/k/a  PJ

on 11/17/12 8:42 am - CA
RNY on 11/19/12

My RNY is scheduled for the 19th as well and i have found a couple of other people on here that have the same (tho i will allow them to let you know who they are if they choose). I am excited to know that I have surgery siblings out there that will be walking the path at the same time as i am. I look forward to keeping in touch with you =) Feel free to add me

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