AHC coverage?

(deactivated member)
on 12/2/06 1:52 pm - Lethbridge, Canada
Hi everyone, I am looking into getting Open RNY done and I was wondering if Alberta Health Care really does pick up the entire cost of the surgery. See? Quick question. lol Lori
(deactivated member)
on 12/3/06 8:39 am - Lethbridge, Canada
Don't bother replying. Guess I'm not going to get it done. I'll just blimp up even more, probably die of a heart attack or stroke due to dr's long fricken waiting lists. Been nice knowing everyone!
(deactivated member)
on 12/3/06 10:08 am - Yakima, WA
HI - I wish I had an answer for you. As you can see this particular messageboard isn't very active. I'd like to suggest that you post to the Ontario board as it is the most active Canadian board on OH....you might also post to the main messageboard and the RNY messageboard as there are some on there who are from your area. If I can assist you in any way, please do let me know. Please don't give up though. If you need this or something else for your health, it's worth the fight and wait. (((HUGS))) Best wishes, ~Tooter OH Staff
on 12/3/06 10:27 am - Canada
Hi Lori Yes AHC does pay. Try Dr. Farries in Red Deer his waiting times isn't as bad. My dr. office called May 1, 2005 I got to see him January 20, 2006 and had surgery September 27, 2006. He is a first come first serve basis and is awesome. Travelling mileage, hotel is a tax deduction. The hospital staff is great too. There is a hotel just down the hill from the hospital too. I live in High River and the commute wasn't bad. Don't loose faith. Lori Keep your chin up!!
on 1/18/07 5:13 am - Stony Plain, Canada
Lori and Lori, Lori (looking for advice) Dr Farries is an awesome doctor. My doctor's office called on May 1, 2006 and saw him on September 5, 2006. I am right now just waiting for a surgery date with Dr. Farries in Red Deer. Other Lori, do you remember the name of the hotel that you stayed that is by the hospital? I live west of edmonton in a town called Stony Plain. What has been your loss so far? The commute was not that bad for me either. I am off to the gym hope to talk to you guys later. Belinda
(deactivated member)
on 12/3/06 10:47 am - Lethbridge, Canada
I'm just frustrated cause I've been (sorry for saying this) fat for 29 years of my life. I've been fat since I was 4. It's not my fault though. I was an undiagnosed diabeti****il I was 31..... which was 2-1/2 years ago. I also gained TONS of weight after I moved to southern Alberta because my former doctor thought that I would do fine on metformin only as a diabetic medication. I ended up getting put on diabeta??? and avandia... and the only thing that the combination of the 3 drugs did for me was make me even fatter than I was. I used to weigh 260 last summer, was fitting perfectly into a pair of size 20 jeans from Cotton Ginny. I looked awesome... I have the pic to prove how awesome I looked, it's just a head shot and a bit blurry, but man oh man.... how I'd kill to look like that again instead of the way I look now. I look and feel like such a blimp and I constantly tell my husband that I need GOODYEAR stitched on the sides of my clothing. Anyway.... I also suffer from high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I know that I need to get this weight off, but no matter what I do, NOTHING works. I've done Weigh****chers, I've done TOPS, I did NutriSystem (lost 40 lbs and gained it all back PLUS more!!!!), I've even done SlimFast (or as I call it SlimSlow)..... like I said NOTHING works. So that brings me to here..... I went to my family physician this past Wednesday and he filled out paperwork for a referral to Dr Nohr (no questions asked) and it was all faxed out the same day. Then I find out there's a 3-4 year waiting list. That's what is making me all frustrated because I think that by the time 3-4 years rolls around that I'll be as big as my living room or even bigger. I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. Anyway.... I'll stop rambling on now.... hope everyone has a great evening. Lori :'(
(deactivated member)
on 12/3/06 10:55 am - Lethbridge, Canada
Oops... forgot to mention that I'm on insulin as well, 2 different types. I'm on humalog 3 times a day (each meal) and I take about 36 units each meal, and I'm on humulin-N twice a day (once in the morning and once before bed) 32 units both times. I was also warned that the insulin also causes weight gain. :'( Like I said, I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle..... *sigh*
on 12/19/06 2:08 am - Canada
sorry for your struggles i had surgery with dr. nohr in medicine hat, it can be a long wait, but well worth it, his office allows you to call for cancellations and if there is one, it can speed up the wait.
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