
on 2/28/12 12:03 pm

I saw my Dr  today for my check up as i had a gastroscopy in January, and had to get my new opening dialated.  He wasn't too happy with my weight loss progress, and feels i might be eating too much and not often enough. (i eat sometimes only 2x a day)  I was so devistated...but i kind of expected to hear him say that too.

Its been almost 3 months post op, and i've only lost approx 43 lbs.  Eating is very difficult for me still and i find SF yogurts, cottage cheese and salads mostly what i eat. I will eat solids, but very rarely as i find them hard to digest. I am trying to eat food with lots of protien too, without much success i fear.  I find i am extremlely thirsty and crave water all the time....although i find it difficult to drink too much. I get nausea quite often after eating and because of that, i have to go for another gastroscopy this Friday.

I am so frustrated with myself, and eating..or not eating enough.  I have actually told my husband i regret having this surgery cause of this. I know its not a positive thing to say, but with my slow weight loss, and nausea i am really down and upset.  Has anyone else experienced this setback or feelings, or is it just me??

Sorry to be a downer, but i am at the point where i could use some advice or any suggestions to get past this.


on 2/29/12 12:07 am
I had only lost 45 in 3 months and with the chart i have it was right on target! so.... sounds like your doing good. keep working at what your doctor suggests and be happy with the changes being made!
on 2/29/12 11:45 am
Sometimes after surgery we forget to eat and most times are not hungry. In the beginning I would forget to eat and then realize when I felt faint that I probably hadn't ate at all that day. I find setting a reminder to eat worked well and eating 3 small meals with at least 2 snacks works for me. It's still hard at 17 months out for me to eat and drink, it's a combination that my sleeve doesn't like even if I wait 30-60 minutes after eating it sometimes still hurts my sleeve. I also had a problem with adding new foods after surgery. I actually only tryed prime rib again here Christmas pass cause I had myself convinced that I couldn't eat actual beef., I tried it and it worked just fine.
The further out you are from surgery the more you can eat and then it's like a reverse mind set again where you have to watch your calorie intake and what you eat as to not over fill your sleeve. It's a constant battle no matter what.
I would pat yourself on the back for you accomplishments thus far and try to tweak your eating a little.
Good Luck. And just a reminder your not a downer you are human. Thats why there is an oH forum and all of us to support you. We all share a common bond and have walked in each other shoes to a point.


HW:274  SW:238  CW: 150.0  1St goal: 199.8  2nd goal:174 (100 pound lost)
My Persoanl Goal: (HIgh)150 (Low)140

1st goal acheived December 27th/2010. 1 week after my 3rd month surgery anniversary.
2nd goal acheived June 4th/2011. 2 weeks after my 8th Month Surgiversary

Gall Bladder surgery April 12,2012

You can either believe it will happen.....or believe it won't.  Both are self fulfilled prophesies. For Me it has happened.  My Surgery was September 21/2010

on 2/29/12 12:41 pm
Thank you so much for your comments...they are wonderful and supportive  Great suggestions too, and i will definatly keep those in mind.

Thank you so much :)
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