Friendly WLS Dr's in the high desert?

on 5/5/11 6:19 am
HI! i am new and looking though the forums and trying to find answers to some of the questions i have, so far it has been SOOO helpful, however i was wondering if any one in the high desert around VV or Apple Valley, Hesperia or places close to that have had good experiences with the local Doctors, i am currently going to one where the staff seems under experienced and unacknowledged in my quest to get answers on making sure i am on the right path for WLS. my doctor doesn't seem interested in it one way or another, she will send in a request for me after the 6 months of documented gym time and weigh****chers...but there have been bumps in the road to accomplishing that so far and trying to get answers from her staff is like trying to talk to a broken record....a broken record that talks over you and assumes that you do not know what you are talking about even though you have spent a good amount of your time researching WLS and the trying to follow the rules. any help with personal tips on how you went about finding a Dr you like will help also because it looks like i might have to get a new one.

... apprently,also, IEHP has stopped working with curves from what my insurence told me.
on 5/5/11 7:23 am - Moreno Valley, CA
 Hey There,
 I live in Mo Val, but Im always in VV because my mom lives there and I am from San Bernardino. So your doctor wont give you a referral unless you show documented weight loss? So are you doing that now? If your doctor is not on board then you need to change PCP.. What is the point in waisting money on WW and the gym if you arent losing weight? That six months could be spent preparing you for the surgery. Sometimes with this WLS  you have to get aggresive. What insurance do you have? Hope everything works out.
on 5/7/11 12:39 am
Yea she said that the insurance wont consider it unless i have a minimum of 6 months of like a paper trail showing that i have tried to lose weight, i am on medical so i have IEHP through them. I have talked back and forth with my doctors staff and the IEHP member serves and it just seems like no one knows what they are doing its getting so frustrating, i even went so far as to ask to talk to some one from the weight loss department and the women i got on the phone was very rude in a " your wasting my time and you MUST be ignorant if you are trying to talk to me" kinda way, her answers , which were repeated over and over, were curt and not helpful in the lest. I think i do need a new PCP so i am trying to find some that has HAD experience in helping their patients get it done the right way.
  The WW is 20$ a 5 week session and i can do it up to 3 times but then i have to have special requests from my doctor to do it, and then i still have to pay for it but its only for basic things like portion control and how i SHOULD exercise etc...and now that IEHP doesn't offer curves i have no idea what my Dr wants me to do for PROOF of exercise. i tried to explain that to her staff and its like talking to a wall.  i still haven't started the WW because i have to wait for the paper work to come in a week or so. and then i have to send it back and each time i have to start a new session with WW i have to do that all over again, wait for paper work and then send it back and wait for the vouchers...

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