Report On Karen aka Hope Forallofus

Jus Me
on 11/4/03 10:08 am - My own little corner of the world
GREAT NEWS!!!! I wanted to let everyone know that I spoke with Karen around 6:00 pm and she said her surgery went well. I have no further details, as she was quite tired when we spoke and I did not want to hold her. I am sure her Angel will be by soon with further info. If you would like to send her an email at the hospital to let her know that you are thinking of her just click below: Karen Howell-Ortiz Room # 5034-B When I was in the hospital just last week, it was a real treat and spirit booster to receive my emails. Hugs! Tammy
Cj B.
on 11/4/03 10:48 am
Yeah Karen!! I hope that all goes well with your recovery and healing. Thanks for the update Tammy - you take care as well!! ((hugs)) Cj
on 11/4/03 11:21 am - Middletown, DE
Hi Tammy. Karen is going to kill me. She showed me how to update her log..but I forgot how, so, I posted her progress the message board and I'm hoping that everyone sees it. If not, I just wanted to let you know that I was in constant contact with Karens husband this afternoon and stopped by the hospital after work. Unfortunately, they have this rule about the recovery room and being a direct relative, so they wouldn't let me see her. But, her husband said that she came out of the surgery with flying colors. Congratulations on your surgery Tammy. Theresa (Hopes angel)
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