Interesting question - can anyone help answer?

on 3/17/12 3:54 am - Canada
Well I am almost three weeks post op and I am coming along.  My incisions are still tender but not bad.  I still have some discomfort when I eat or drink, and I am still in phase 2.  I sip, sip, sip but still am uncomfortable.  It's kinda hard because I always feel soooooo thirsty.  I would love to down a glass of water.  But I know that would be excruciatingly painful...

So, the other day someone asked me if I am ever going to be able to have a glass of wine again.  Honestly, I never really thought of it.  But now that he mentioned it, does anyone know if we can ever have a glass of wine again and if so, how long is a safe period of time to wait before enjoying a glass of wine again?  If I had to guess. I would think at least a few months post op ???  Has anyone who has had the surgery been able to do this?
on 3/17/12 4:55 am - Canada
Yes yes yes!! I had RNY in Sept. I love my wine! Only difference is, you feel the effects MUCH quicker (about 4 -6 sips). It's WAY cheaper this way! But you also stop feeling the effect sooner. So basically, you get drunk faster and sober up faster.
So I have to be very careful not to drink outside of the case I'm driving. And also, because I don't want to overdo it if I'm in a strange place or with other people. The effects come on very quickly and are a bit heightened. I don't want to look like an idiot!
I think I had my first glass at Christmas time (about 3 months) but I couldv'e probably tried it earlier.

HW: 290 SW: 260 CW: 165 Their goal: 195 My goal: 160
on 3/17/12 6:23 am - Canada
I had my first drink 8 months after surgery. It used to hit me fast and wear off just as fast. Now when I drink it is like it was before surgery.
on 3/17/12 11:56 am - Canada
Just want for TRANSFERANCE from food binging to alcohol binging.  A lot of people that have had wls surgery and start to have drinks find they start drinking a lot more than before.  Just be careful!!!!!
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