My turn!

on 11/12/12 9:37 pm - Canada

I'm starting my Boost diet today!  2 weeks to surgery!  I'm looking forward to it with mixed feelings.  My work Christmas party is this weekend so I'm staying home.  My husbands Christmas party is right after my surgery!  It's all good though!  The small amount of sacrifice I make now will be worth it in the end!  I keep thinking of how good everyone at the meet and greet looked and I can't wait to be on the losers bench!  Cheers!

on 11/12/12 10:53 pm - Canada

It will be over before you know it!  You are almost there angry

Referred Sept/11, Group Orientation June 13/12, Surgery date Nov. 7/12 RNY        
(deactivated member)
on 11/13/12 12:02 am

yay  good luck,and welcome to the beginning of your new life

on 11/13/12 12:04 am - Canada
VSG on 04/03/12

Yay - so excited for you!

HW 295 lbs,CW 195, nuts goal-210, my goal 175 surgery date April 3 in Tijuana with Dr Ponce De Leon      

on 11/14/12 12:11 pm - Canada

Good luck cheers to the new you!!!!! It is so worth it:)


on 11/13/12 12:25 am

WOW! So proud of you and your journey! All will be worth it in the end.

Could you tell me how long from your appointment with the psych/nutritionist/keiniologist --> surgeon --> surgery?

on 11/13/12 9:21 am - Canada

I started the program long ago but I saw the psych/nut/kein in August.  I saw the surgeon before I saw these when I first was referred by my doctor.  That was Feb of 2011.  My doctor referred me about 6 months before that.

on 11/13/12 5:14 am - Canada
It was nice to have met you at the meet and greet and can't wait to see you again after surgery. Keep yourself very busy and out of the kitchen as much as possible in the next 2 weeks. Make quick, easy meals for your family..and things that you don't care for too much so you are not tempted . It will be tough, but worth it. Get your stuff ready now for after surgery so you don't have to step into the grocery store for the first week either. I made myself homemade soups, pureed them and froze them in small yogurt containers so I just had to take one out each day. Good luck and see you soon on the losers bench. Barb C, BCwaiting
referral April/2011 Weight 230 lbs.,orientation Nov 30/2011, surgeon Jan 4/2012, Psych Feb 2, Dietician March 15, physical Apr 12, Surgery VSG May 29/2012,
pre-op weight 180 lbs. ,         
on 11/13/12 9:25 am - Canada

Thanks Barb!  Will do!

on 11/13/12 5:34 am
RNY on 05/15/12

Wow that's so exciting!  You're right small sacrifices now for huge gains down the road.  Can't wait to welcome you to the losers bench!  Keep us posted on your progress and post if your concerns, questions and successes! 

Referred March 2/11,  Group Orientation Nov. 4 /11, Surgery date May 15/12  RNY    
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