Saw the Kinesiologist

on 5/24/14 10:11 am - Canada

I had my first appointment with the kinesiologist at the Vic yesterday.. I have limited mobility and was told of a new criteria that the program may implement. That patients will be required to do a 6 minute walking test, non-stop. Walking is very important after surgery to prevent blood clots and pneumonia. Since I was accepted into the program before this new criteria, they suggested that I be held back and the rest of my first appointments were cancelled yesterday. I'm totally fine with this decision. The kinesiologist has set some small goals to get me walking. I can walk but not far. I can use my walker for the test. So if you have limited mobility, be prepared.

on 5/25/14 11:40 am

Thanks for posting Linda, its really helpful to hear from one currently in the program to those of us still waiting for the call.   It would be nice if we knew about these kinds of things so we could work on them while we're waiting and be as ready as possible when our turn comes.   Keep posting, its appreciated!!!

on 5/26/14 3:51 am - Canada

You're welcome! I was on the waiting list just to get in the information session since 2010. Some don't wait that long, it depends on certain criteria to meet.  My bmi was 60, and at the time I was referred, the bmi criteria was 47 and under. That was hard as I had already lost 100 Ibs and I had to lose close to another 100Ibs. They have since increased it to bmi 55 and also now accept men into the program and increased the age limit from 55 to 65 years of age. Every ones wait times are different, don't get discouraged. I'm now under bmi 55, just the walking part is my next challenge. I used to love walking, but now its cumbersome, with each step forward, it will be loved again! All the best.

on 5/26/14 11:13 am

It seems that the waiting list has exploded since last more people are finding out that there is FINALLY a bariatric program in province and as you said the criteria has been expanded.  Realistically I'm looking at not getting an invite to orientation till next year and then even if all goes tickety boo it will be 2016 before I would get in for surgery.   

on 5/28/14 5:59 am - Winnipeg, Canada


Did your physician keep them updated on your BMI while they were waiting?  I was also referred in 2010 with a BMI of 58 and now my BMI is 54 but I've not heard a peep.....

on 5/28/14 9:59 pm - Portage La Prairie, Canada

When I was waiting, the receptionist told me that when I got down to the required BMI to have my Dr fax them a new weight. That never happened because the program expanded the criteria and I then qualified but I do know they sent my Dr a letter requesting updated medical info just before I got my orientation letter. Wouldn't hurt to have your Dr sent in a new weight if you have been waiting since 2010. My referral was Feb 2010 and I had surgery in November.


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