Hello Everyone

on 1/8/06 11:39 pm - North Branch, MI
First and foremost I want to thank God for my journey through WLS. I know I have what I have because of Him. He has allowed me to have this tool to better myself so that I might serve Him better. I want everyone to know that I truly felt uplifted these last 4-5 day. I do believe in the power of prayer. I would like to thank EVERYONE for their kind words and prayers. I think its kind of funny how some of us don't really know each other, but WLS has pulled us together so that we may comfort and pray for one another. I am truly blessed for everyone in this community. Well lets start off with the pain. LOL it does hurt, but I dont think its to much concidering what they did in my tummy. Is it common to have gas pains? I called the hospital today and they told me yes it is common. I have to walk, walk, walk. I know I must sip,sip,sip also but I just dont want to. I have not wanted anything for food.(broth,s/f jello,or anything). I almost have to force myself to eat something. My brother-in-law brought me over a nice treadmill yesterday. I have been walking on that and doing pretty good. About a 1/8 mile every 2 hours, but the darn stomach pains(gas?) kind of gets to me. I just wanted to let everyone know how I am doing, and to say thanks. God bless all of you-- Sam
Megan H
on 1/8/06 11:51 pm - Owosso, MI
Sam, you post is perfect timing for me. You dont even realize how much reading your first paragraph has just helped me. I have questioned over and over where my religion stands on this procedure. I always feel so overwhelmed with guilt when I go to church. Your words have made this easier for me. I know I am doing the right thing. Thank you I am sorry to hear about your discomfort and I hope you will be feeling whole quickly Megan
on 1/9/06 12:05 am - North Branch, MI
Megan-- I will try to help you in any way that I can while you go through this. WLS is scary. We both know this, but if you are a Christ centered woman you must give it all to Him in prayer. Like I said before, I believe He has allowed this tool into my life. I will take it and use it accepting it for the blessing I know it is. God bless you-- Sam
Theresa W.
on 1/8/06 11:58 pm - Northern Lower, MI
Yes, the gas pains are common, unfortunately, but they don't last too long. Walking is the best thing for them, even though it is uncomfortable sometimes. And even though you don't "feel" like getting in your fluids/broth, you MUST stay at it. It is so important to stay hydrated. It doesn't have to be alot at one time...just stay at it. I know this community here is so wonderful, isn't it? I don't know what I would have done without all of the caring people here. I can say I have made some of my closest friends here! Hang in there Sam....each day will bring new and exciting things, and less pain!!! Hugs, Theresa
on 1/9/06 12:11 am - North Branch, MI
Theresa-- I will do my walking and my sipping as you and everyone say I should. I think that I will also have some very close friends because of this community. Thanks Theresa!! God bless--Sam
Annette L.
on 1/9/06 12:40 am - Farmington Hills , MI
Hi Sam, It's normal to have the gas pains~it will pass. Walking does help. Pam R. say's to stretch your arms up over your head and move from side to side, this helped her with the gas pain's. The Lord really blessed me with very little pain. It is very hard to get anything in post-op. It is very important that you get in as much water as you can. I still don't get all of my water in everyday, but I come close. You do not want to let yourself become dehydrated so sip, sip, sip, even if you don't want to. The whole purpose of this surgery is to get healthy, you can do it Sam. I thank God for obesityhelp.com, and the Mi board. We have a family here, we understand each other, and have come to love each other. It's funny how people can love people they've never even met. You will know what I mean if you hang out here with us for a bit. Here's another O.H. forum you may want to visit. http://obesityhelp.com/forums/christianity/posts.html Hope you feel better soon. God bless you, Annette
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