Am I doing to Much?

Dori V.
on 1/9/06 4:43 am - Greenville, MI
Im, 3 week post op, I had the Lap bypass... OK its day number 5 back to work... I was doing great Im not lifting anything but alot of up and down and bending and picking up... So the problem, Im haveing pain around my belly button, and I get very sick to my stomach. no vomiting but I really feel like I could. So am I just being stupid? (((Hugs))) Dori
on 1/9/06 4:51 am - MI
Dori! You need to stop and listen to your body. When you stand up or sit down, what parts of your body do you really use to sit or stand? You use your stomach muscles whether you are aware of it. So that is alot of your pain. You need to lessen your activity some. Don't bend over unless you REALLY have to! Don't pick anything up heavier than a loaf of bread for awhile. How heavy is your purse or files that you carry? Please be really careful and spend more time sitting down and have someone do things for you. Although you had Lap, you still had a very major surgery. You have alot of healing to do inside. Ok, that is just my two cents worth. I just don't want you to take 10 steps back!
Dori V.
on 1/9/06 9:02 pm - Greenville, MI
I called my Dr last night and he said pretty much what you just said.. So as of today I am being more gentle.. I think I was just letting the work aholic show its little bald head... Thank you so much for your help... Im sure I will be better I just need to slow down... (((HUGS))) Dori
on 1/9/06 5:28 am - Kalamazoo Area, MI
Dori - we are surgery twins if you remember and there is NO way I could do what you're doing. I get so tired still (ok I do take care of 5-6 kids) and have to nap mid-day. I don't bend to pick up anyting because it hurts my tummy too much. If it falls, I call a kid or leave it till someone can retrieve it. DO NOT CAUSE YOURSELF A HERNIA. If you over tax yourself, you'll end up taking longer to heal. That said , I hope you take it easy and feel better soon! Sheryl In the Zoo
Dori V.
on 1/9/06 9:06 pm - Greenville, MI
Hello how are you doing? I did call my Dr and he told me I was moving too fast that I needed to slow it down a bit. I am also back on full liquids for a while. thank you so much for your concern.. and I promise I will slow down. (((Hugs))) Dori
Beth Hand (was

on 1/9/06 8:47 am - Fowlerville, MI
Hi Dori, I had my LAP RNY done 12/20/05. I'm back to work as of today with the following restrictions: No lifting over 8 lbs. No bending No twisting No reaching Check with your doctor and have him write a note to give to your boss that mentions any restrictions. If you're having pain, etc., it sounds like you're doing too much, too soon. Beth
Dori V.
on 1/9/06 9:08 pm - Greenville, MI
Thank you so much, I called my Dr and he pretty much told me the same thing that you did. I will slow down and thank you so much! (((HUGS))) Dori
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