WLS Swim Moment

on 1/9/06 8:43 am - Southeast, MI
Hi All, coming out of lurker status to report a funny WLS moment, at least for me. I haven't been swimming in a long, long time. (Bad me, not enough exercise) I used to spend all of my time in the deep lap pool, jogging. I never needed any help keeping my head above water, as I had plenty of fat to aid my bouyancy. In fact, I could just stand upright in the deep water, and my head was completely above the water line. Today I couldn't do it. Now if I'm not actively treading water, my head sinks up to my hair line. I guess that's what happens when you lose 130 pounds!!! Today I had to use a flotation belt to do my deep water jogging. I can live with that. Anything to get more exercise in. Debra M.
Annette L.
on 1/9/06 8:51 am - Farmington Hills , MI
Congratulations Debra. Keep up the good work! God bless you, Annette
on 1/9/06 10:03 am - ROYAL OAK, MI
Yeah amazing isn't it Debra all the sudden we become rocks in the water after losing weight!!! I used to be able to swim laps like a dolphin before my weight loss, now I am lucky to be able to do half the laps I did presurgery, almost a year later, but like you said, its all good I really don't care, I feel so much better, this rock feels great in the pool. Jill
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