1 1/2 weeks out and bone tired...

Michele P
on 1/10/06 2:21 am
Ok - maybe I do have unrealistic expectations - but I'm a week and a half out and I am bone weary. I'm still on full liquids and will be for the next week and a half. I'm trying to sip, sip, sip and am doing better. My guess is that I'm not quite making the protein goal since I'm pretty over everything on the menu at this point. And I know many of ya'll like the anywhey but I can smell it in everything I stir it into and it's enough to nearly make me heave. I did have problems with the vitamins - I started on the vista chewables but can't possibly get those things down 5x a day. Then I got a liquid vit and on the 2nd day I nearly dumped. It wasn't a full dump but they were 4 really miserable hours. So, no more of those for now. I went out and got one of the adult chewables that people seem to like on the board last night and am splitting up the 2 wafers to one in the AM and one in the PM to hopefully keep up my levels all day. (And to make it easier to do - good grief they are HUGE.) I also got some chewable chelated iron tablets to take me close to the full amount as I have a history of iron poor anemia. The last two nights I slept 11 hours. No naps during the day though. I'm guessing my body needs the extra sleep to heal plus with the calorie deficient, I may be triggering the hibernation thing? Any thoughts? My next doctor's appointment isn't until middle of next week. As always, your wisdom and feedback is appreciated. Best, Michele P
(deactivated member)
on 1/10/06 3:24 am - Oak park, MI
It was good month before I felt human again. Expecting to feel good at a week and half is unrealistic for sure. I slept 9 hours a night and took two 2 hour naps a day for two weeks. There is no such thing as too much sleep in the beginning. Also, I chewed a couple flinstones vites a day for many months. If they are good for pregnant women, then they are good for us. The chewable adult vitamins made me gag and wretch. Flinstones were yummy and that is what the doc suggested. Vitamins are not going to make you feel all that much better at this point. You just need them, but you cannot tell a difference if you do not take them. Just rest and do not expect too much from yourself this early on. Take care, Terri
on 1/10/06 4:10 am - Hazel Park, MI
Michelle, I agree with Terri take it easy and get plenty of rest your body needs it.... At 1 1/2 weeks out I don't remember eating too much but remember to sip, sip, sip also my Doctor which Terri and I both have the same was Flintstones I personally didn't like the taste but took them daily for almost 2 months before moving into adult brand... also Doc suggest Atkins protein drinks don't get slim fast I dumped on those. Good luck and give yourself time you will be just fine.... Renee
S W.
on 1/10/06 9:26 am - MI
Dear Michele, I didn't take multi vitamins for about 3-4 weeks post op. What I took was available at Walgreens: OPTISOURCE MULTIVITAMINS, made especially for Bariatric Patients. They are also on Walgreens website: www.walgreens.com. Just look under dietary. These are about nickel in size, orange tang taste, and easy to chew and take. I have not taken any other thing but Calcium because I am lactose intolerant now, no iron, nothing, since I am going in Feb 06 for my labs post op. Then my surgeon decides IF and WHAT I need to add to my day. Also, try adding some sugar free popsicles to your day, sugar free jello gets boring, but to add a new twist, slightly freeze it, and it's really good. Also, remember, you are just 1 and 1 half weeks out, and on liquids, and yes, it does get boring, but it won't last long, and before you know it you'll be eating ....and wondering.......do I really have to eat this? Because I do. I also recommend NECTAR by Syntax protein powders when you get to that point, they are the most tasty. Also www.vitalady.com has some good choices in protein bars when you get to that point. Email me if you need more information....I'm here to help All my best, Stacey
Beth Hand (was

on 1/10/06 1:33 pm - Fowlerville, MI
Hi Michele! I'm 3 weeks out today, feeling better as the days go by, but certainly not 100% yet. Started back to work part time this week. I spoke with my nutritionist today, since I was having trouble getting my protein in, and she suggested going to GNC and trying the Isopure Zero Carb drinks (they advertise them on the left hand side.) I grabbed two of them today and they're not bad! They didn't nauseate me like EVERY other protein drink does, they're more like juices than "shakes". Each bottle has 40-50g protein, so one a day should do the job. They're kind of expensive, but I figure my health's worth it, especially in the beginning. She also suggested adding powdered milk to just about anything... like cream soups or cream of wheat, etc. just to boost the protein a bit. Good luck and don't worry, the time will fly and you'll be feeling better & better each day! Beth
on 1/10/06 11:22 pm - Comstock Park, MI
Bone weary is normal. Your body is expending all of its energy resources to healing. Keep getting the fluids in. Dehydraton at this stage of the game is not fun. It was a few weeks before I felt normal again. I went back to work way too soon. Ease into it if at all possible. All I can say is drink, drink, drink with plenty of rest and this will get better with time. The end results are well worth the discomfort and tiredness now. Your energy level will be up in no time. What you are feeling is your body healing. Good luck!
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