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on 8/27/07 8:28 am - Anchorage, AK
Topic: I have a date!!!!

I have a date and it is.... drum roll please..... next Thursday September 6th!!!! I'm so excited and it's all of a sudden.. The nurse called me today to set up my pre-op appts for next Wednesday and said that I would get my date then.. Then about an hour later she calls me back and she didn't know that Dr. Dolan had already scheduled me to go to the O.R. next Thursday and would that be a problem.. I just had to call Rick & my mom to see if all was well.. We got a ticket for my mom and she'll be here next Tuesday night.. So all is a go... I'm so happy right now.. I've been working on this for over a year! Wish me luck.. :)

April*   Post-op!!! RNY 9-6-07!!

Bama Girl
on 8/27/07 8:07 am - Beaufort, SC
Topic: Wanting to put together a family friedly cookbook for WLS
Hey everyone, I have a 10, 7 and 1 year old.  My biggest problem has been finding family friendly recipes and snack ideas.  I am in the process of putting together a cookbook for other WLS patients and was looking for some new ideas.  Let me know if you have a recipe or snack idea.  Thanks!!!!  Monica   [email protected]


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on 8/27/07 5:56 am - Mantachie, MS
Topic: Protein
Hi All! I  have no got a surgery date yet still waiting on them to call me back..What I am wondering is what is the best protein drinks or shakes to get? Can you get them just any where? Does anyone else take the childrens tylenol after surgery (liquid)? I hate asking so many questions but they are best answered here. Thanks Sonya B Mantachie MS
Judi J.
on 8/27/07 12:35 am - MN
Topic: RE: LEGINA - prayers needed
Hi: i was lurking over here to see about an update for Legina. Many prayers from Minnesota headed her way. Thank goodness for the kindness of you folks to keep an eye out for her! judi
on 8/26/07 10:57 pm - Lumberton, MS
Topic: RE: MS Medicaid
It is my understanding that the facility you use has to be Medicare approved.  I dont believe that Mediciad is paying for any weight loss surgery at this time but prob is only a matter of time before they follow suit with medicare. denise
on 8/26/07 1:14 pm - Brandon, MS
Topic: RE: plastic surgeon
I met Dr. Lineaweaver today in the surgical ICU at UMC when visiting Legina, and I was very impressed with his bedside manner with her husband and explaining things to him and me.  I have no idea what kind of surgeon he is, but he was very open and understanding and patient with us and I was very impressed with him. So, not a lot of help, just wanted to say that I had met him and liked him. DeAnna
on 8/26/07 12:52 pm - Brandon, MS
Topic: RE: LEGINA - prayers needed
Thank you so very much - This is just a wonderful opportunity to show them how God works among them. D
on 8/26/07 12:15 pm - Belmont, MS
Topic: MS Medicaid
Does anyone know if Ms Medicaid and Medicare will pay on the Lap Band?  I have a friend who is considering the lap band but is scared Medicaid will not pay and this is the only way she can get the surgery. She is a breast cacer survivor and want the lap in case she ever has to take more chemo (nutritional reasons). Any iformation you can giv ewill be greatly appreciated.

LAP RNY 7/7/06
Highest    Current     Goal
292             157           140

"I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength" Philippians 4:13

on 8/26/07 12:12 pm - Vicksburg, MS
Topic: RE: LEGINA - prayers needed
DeAnna, Thank you for letting us know.  I called my sister who lives in the Clinton area to ask her to pray.  She's a member of Morrison Heights Baptist Chur*****linton, and it turns out that on Tuesday one of the church ministers visits the ICU surgical unit to visit with family members.  She said this man is very caring and knows just what to say to bring comfort to the family.  Also a group from the church makes sandwiches to take to the ICU waiting room.  I gave her Legina and Danny's names and explained their situation.  She is going to call the church in the morning. Pam
on 8/26/07 11:21 am - Brandon, MS
Topic: LEGINA - prayers needed
I got to the hospital to see Legina today, and she has had a major set back - Came out of surgery Wednesday (134 pannus, tummy skin, removed) wonderfully, good spirits.  But about Friday morning she had lots of bleeding, many units of blood, and is now on a ventilator.  I did see her respond to her husband while I was there, and her color is good, but I was very sad to see this set back for her, knowing how much she wanted this. Her doctor came in while I was there, and said it is just waiting over the next few days to see if any damage resulted from the blood loss - kidney damage and such.  So, lets rally and pray for her to get her strength back, get off the ventilator and pull out of this. If ANYBODY can get by there this week, it would really help her husband, Danny Buckalew, out.  He is a precious person who is very scared right now - He does not know anything about hospitals or surgery.  They both do not have anybody that lives close.  He is staying in the surgical ICU waiting room.  I took his laundry home and will take it back tomorrow, bought supper and will take him some lunch when I return his laundry.   If you do get to go, maybe take him some snacks and a Mountain Dew or buy him a meal.  He is there without a lot of money or car, but he will not leave with her on the ventilator.  But, like I said, they are precious people and I just pray that God will hold her in his care and help her get better. Call (601-622-51550) or e-mail me for more info - DeAnna
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