
Krista L.
on 3/30/06 1:03 am - Charlotte, NC
Hi All, Wasn't there a website where you can request samples of the various protein shakes, powders, supplements? I seem to remember someone metioning such a thing and I want to go ahead and get some to determine what will be best before and after surgery for me. Thanks. Krista
on 3/30/06 1:14 am - Charlotte, NC
Hey Krista, Hope you're doing great..I made the mistake of buying a bunch of different protein powders and shakes that I liked before surgery...stocked up for after and now the site of the containers makes me sick. I loved the CIB, both choc and vanilla before surgery, and now the smell makes me nauseous. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't buy anything for tastes have changed...sweet stuff makes me gag.
Krista L.
on 3/30/06 1:34 am - Charlotte, NC
Good to know. Thanks for the warning. I guess I am just trying to prepare myself. Just trying to fill the time while I am waiting to see the surgeon. I hate hate hate idle time (especially when I want something) so I am trying to occupy myself now. But I'm gonna run with your words of wisdom and hold of on ordering anything for now. Thanks!!!!
I Believe
on 3/30/06 12:02 pm - Bessemer City, NC
Hey Krista: Go to: and You can buy samples from Unjury, single packs...they other site is also a great link, I am linking you to a package with mutiple samples packs so you can try a variety. But beware....don't purchase in large quantities prior to surgery...because it is so true..your taste buds change, so it is good to get samples. Best of luck! Nancy 5'8" 320/196/170 (surgeon goal)*(150 my ultimate goal)
I Believe
on 3/31/06 2:33 am - Bessemer City, NC
Hey Krista! Me again...check out our new North Carolina Website and see if there is anything on it that you could use...I know there are some single packs of protein listed: Take care! Nancy
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