One month surgaversary!

on 6/20/11 7:23 pm - St John's, Canada
One month since the VSG and I feel fantastic.

Down a full size already - oh, you would cry if you saw all the beautiful clothes 3x/22 I had to remove from my closet this weekend! (bittersweet tears, of course!)

I am heading to Toronto for vacation tomorrow and thank goodness I kept a box of clothes I fit in to EIGHT years ago on my honeymoon, otherwise I wouldn't have anything to wear!

While overall I have been feeling good, all is not roses - Friday night I almost had to go to the hospital with an impacted bowel - it was the most traumatic thing I have gone through since childbirth - the pain was unreal.  It was beyond gross. It took me the whole weekend to rest and get over it. Morale of this disgusting story: GET YOUR WATER - also, I now add a capful of Restolax to my shakes.

Lastly, wishing a happy surgaversary to my Sleeve Buddy Tracy - can't wait to see you on the 4th! I have the guest room all ready for you. :)

Oh, yeah, I am also seeing Dr. Pace for my follow-up today - will try and update with deets if there is anything interesting to share. :)

Love to all,
- HW: 270 lbs. SW: 248 lbs. CW: 185 lbs.
The story of my journey back to health is here:,blog/action,view/blog_id,311677/


on 6/20/11 8:51 pm - Canada
Wonderful to hear Jenn.  Have fun in Toronto.

Yes, we will have to say goodbye to our favourite clothes and move on to new favourites.  The worst thing is you will go through several sizes in the next year or two.  That could get expensive.  I have read on sites in other locations they have a clothing exchange.  They have a get together a couple of times a year and everyone brings in their clothes that too big.  They give their clothes to others who are still larger and get more from others who are closer to their goal.  Maybe thats something we could consider down the line.

on 6/21/11 1:52 am - Hr. Grace, Canada
Congrats on the downsizing Jenn... It's nice to have that complaint the other way
instead of I have nothing that fits because you grew out of it. We all know that
one. Shrinking out of it is awesome. Have fun in T.O.  
on 6/21/11 4:13 am - Canada
cant wait to see you again jenn will we know each other now lol.i have 35 pounds gone now it feels great.i didnt have a very good day on saturday and i to almost ended up to emerency.stomach sick the whole day and throwing up saturday evening put thank goodness it passed.i cant seem to handle the mashed food very well.i am looking forward to seeing Dr.Pace in just 2 weeks yay.

on 6/21/11 4:49 am - Conne River, Canada
Sounds good Jenn and I agree with Terri, a lot better than the other way.

By the Way, I am all in to this clothing exhange......................



Mary C.
on 6/21/11 6:05 am - Glovertown, Canada
Happy one month surgiversary Jenn and Tracy! Way to go girls!

on 6/22/11 3:13 am
congrats Jenn and Tracy you've both come a long ways.
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