Disappointed & Waiting again.....

on 3/24/11 10:33 am - Perth, Canada

Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. ..It sure does help my spirits, to know that we all have ups and downs in this journey.  I took a nice long soak in the hot tub   with my daughter and talked about the positive sides to the this process. I did not get like this overnight and patience and guidance (especially from friends like you all that have taken time to respond)  will help me reach my goals...
So again thank you all, it really does help me put the process into prospective.  I will wait my turn patiently and try not to big a big whiner on here! 
On a brighter note, I am sure happy I never discovered Swiss Pasteries before today    !!! That would be a bad habit for anyone!!


on 3/24/11 10:40 am - Canada
Hang in - it won't be long, I didn't get a date when I went into see Dr. Yelle and I was scheduled 3 weeks after he broke his arm and it didn't get put off. The time will fly by believe me, but I do know the wait is a killer- it took me about 2 weeks after my appointment to get a surgery date.....ahhhhhh you had black forest cake.mummm...wish we could switch for a week, I am still on fluids...You are in count down phase so enjoy ... it took me a full 2  years to get the surgery from start to finish..so i know about waiting! Hugs!!!!!!!!
SURGERY DATE                  MARCH 11 2011               
Just let me get through one more day!
on 3/24/11 11:50 am - Canada
RNY on 03/16/12
I can feel how disappointed you are, believe me you are in no way a whiner. A lot of us going through Ottawa have felt exactly the same way. I was refered by my gp in March 09 and still have yet to do my education class and meet the surgeon. There are days where it feels like the wait is never ending, but I keep saying our time will come eventually. You are steps ahead, papers have already been signed and you have purchased the optifast so it shouldn't be long now. Keep us posted.

