Disappointed & Waiting again.....

on 3/24/11 7:45 am - Perth, Canada
After waiting patiently for today so that I could have my surgery appointment at Ottawa WLC I was seen only by the Fellow, Dr. Raiche (who is doing most of Dr. Yelle's surgery now) instead of Dr.Mammaza  She informed me that I would not be getting my surgery date today as they are back logged a bit. Initially I was to pick up my Optifast today and  start right away...I have had my food funeral, all my goodbyes and hello to my new lifestyle only to be informed that I will receive a phone call to advise me when to start...I have purchasedthe optifast, so that saves me a trip into the city but I feel like crying and overwhelmed that once again I have to wait.  It has been a long journey and when you prepare yourself, your family etc It is hard to understand the reasoning...  I know they have to accomodate all patients that were bumped before, so I do know that I am not the only one feeling sad.
Surgery papers signed..so that should make me feel something was accomplished.
I did what some of us food addicts do when upset...I stopped at Swiss Pastries and bought a small Black Forest Cake for desert tonight...
Thanks for listening..I know, I know, the smallest violins!!!


on 3/24/11 8:12 am - Canada
Well if it is any conselation,i do not think many in ottawa get their date at the surgeons...soon after, yes, but not at that appt. I had my surgeon appt. Mid feb. and surgery mid march.
Megan M.
on 3/24/11 8:12 am - Canada
The waiting is the worst, isn't it!  I'm waiting for a teleconference with the surgeon - it's just not going as fast as I want, and sitting in limbo not knowing anything is so difficult.  Worse for you, however, as you were expecting to enter the final phase.  We'll all just have to be patient (I say this so much, I'm pretty sure it's to convince myself more than anything!)  Like good things come in small packages, so do good things come from a long wait.
on 3/24/11 8:15 am
ugh.... how utterly dissapointing. I feel your heavy heart.
Referral sent on 26 Feb 2010 - Sleep Study on 28 May 2010 - Info session at WMC on 14 Jan 11- Appt with the APN (nurse) on 27 Jan 11 - Dietician and Behaviorist appts on Feb 24. WLS Class 6th April 2011 - Surgeon appt 3 May 2011 Dr Yelle - Surgery June 6th          
on 3/24/11 8:20 am
on the upside, they may call you on short notice and ask you to do 5 days optifast and then surgery like they did with someone else here on the forum.
Referral sent on 26 Feb 2010 - Sleep Study on 28 May 2010 - Info session at WMC on 14 Jan 11- Appt with the APN (nurse) on 27 Jan 11 - Dietician and Behaviorist appts on Feb 24. WLS Class 6th April 2011 - Surgeon appt 3 May 2011 Dr Yelle - Surgery June 6th          
on 3/24/11 9:17 am - Canada
To my understanding they don't give anyone their surgery date when you meet the surgeon. When I went to see Dr. Yelle I signed the consent forum and then he gave me my prescription for the Optifast which I purchased that day. He told me that they would call me and tell me when my surgery date would be, also when to start taking my Optifast.
I was scheduled to have my surgery March 18th but got postponed until the 28th of this month.  It won't be long and you will get your call. I know you are disappointed...but look on the bright side at least you get some more time to prepare even more. I know really this not a bright side but just wanna make you feel better. I was so ready for my surgery when the called the week before my sugery to tell me they had to postpone it I was totally bummed but I am a firm believe everything happens for a reason. I am not even excited anymore as I have a feeling that I will get postponed again, I have to call the day surgery tomorrow to find out what time I am to be at the hospital on Monday...I do have my fingers and toes crossed in hopes that I don't get postponed lol.
Once they call you and tell you when to start your optifast they will make a appointment for pre-surgery where they take blood and ask you question and you will meet the man with the good drugs lol
Good luck and it will happen sooner than you think.
on 3/24/11 10:39 am - Perth, Canada

Wow queen your journey and mine are very close...I have my fingers & toes crossed for you as well...Best of luck to you and Thank you for your kind words.."Everythingreally does happens for a reason"

on 3/24/11 11:34 pm - Ottawa, Canada
Hi Waterlillimm,
I was seen by Dr. Yelle on March 15. I went on a mini holiday to Mt. Tremblant and in a busy shop there I heard my cell phone and answered it- this is two days after. Their office wanted to know if I could take the April 4th date for surgery (this would mean only 2 weeks on the shakes). I said hell yes! The next day they called me again and I was driving, I saw that it was their office and I took the call. They wanted to cancel April 4th and put me down for April 13th. I was saddened but didn't let on.

Make sure that you are easily accessible for the office to contact you. I would hate to think if I hadn't caught those phone calls when they came in they would have definately given the dates to the next person on their list. I think they call until someone answers!

Take care and don't get too discouraged, enjoy your cake while you still can! I am having the hardest time with my Optifast, I have written about it on my blog page.


4 Me 2 Be
Diana B.
on 3/24/11 9:23 am
RNY on 07/20/12
I feel your pain. This whole process is like one big emotional journey. I'm sure you'll get your date and it will be soon. If it's any consolation, I pigged out on some homemade fudge today and I feel like crap.  Won't do that again!
Referral Sent to Ottawa WMC December 16th 2010
Info Session/First Appointment March 25th 2011
Surgical Assessment January 3rd 2012
Dietitian and Behaviourist February 15th 2012
Abdominal Ultrasound May 8 2012
Surgical Education Class June 13 2012
Surgeon Appointment June 28 2012
SURGERY!!!!! July 20 2012

Tammy G.
on 3/24/11 9:39 am, edited 3/24/11 10:48 am - Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada
 Yeah I dont think many surgeons if any give them on the day you meet them..I met the surgeon on the march 17th and im still waiting...I signed all the paper work and got my optifast and all the other meds i need before and after..but the waiting is a killer..you get from one point to wait at the next..its stressful but worth the wait :)

Referral sent: July 23rd 2010
Orientation,Nurse Practitioner,Dietitian.Psychologist,ECG&Blood Work:November1st&2nd 2010
Ultrasound: November 25th 2010
Scope: December 29th 2010
Internist: January 5th 2011
Surgeon appt and Surgical Education Class March 17th 2011
Surgery: May 26th 2011
 My Beautiful  is my Joy Joy!!! ( Joy D.)