Decaf Coffee

A T.
on 4/18/11 10:24 am - Hamilton, Canada

I have stopped drinking coffee and wondered if I can have decaf coffee or tea before
my operation.   I am suppose to stop drinking coffee 2 months before.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

on 4/18/11 10:49 am
I had my education class recently and they told us that we could have decaf coffee in our optifast shakes before surgery.
Referral sent on 26 Feb 2010 - Sleep Study on 28 May 2010 - Info session at WMC on 14 Jan 11- Appt with the APN (nurse) on 27 Jan 11 - Dietician and Behaviorist appts on Feb 24. WLS Class 6th April 2011 - Surgeon appt 3 May 2011 Dr Yelle - Surgery June 6th          
A T.
on 4/18/11 10:57 am - Hamilton, Canada
 Thanks for the information!
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