Federal government employees

on 4/19/11 3:07 am - Ottawa, Canada
I work for the feds.  If I have no more sick leave left (I've had a couple of surgeries over the last couple of years and am just now getting back from a negative number of days) what are my options?  Does Sunlife cover on short term illness?  How does that work?

Referral sent 2010-03-02
Information session 2011-01-21
Appointment with the nurse 2011-02-17
Appointment with Diet/Behav 2011-03-09
Scope 2011-04-29
Education session 2011-05-04
CT Scan 2011-06-02
Appointment with Dr. Yelle 2011-06-28
Appointment with Dr. Klein 2011-08-16
Surgery - Hopefully!
Karen M.
on 4/19/11 3:10 am - Mississauga, Canada
Hmm... well, I'm in municipal and also have SunLife. We have STD that kicks in after 3 days absence and can last up to 3 months.  I'd call your HR benefits dept to be honest.  They'll know all the ins and outs.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 4/19/11 3:25 am - Sudbury, Canada
If you are expecting to get paid for those days then you'll have to use your STD coverage if you have it.  Here is the rule according to the Canada Labour Code.  I just finished an Employment Law course and we learned all about this, LOL

The Canada Labour Code Government of Canada site protects federally regulated workers from dismissal, layoff, suspension, demotion or discipline because of absence due to illness or injury.

It does not, however, provide for paid leave of absence, although some employees may be entitled to benefits under the Employment Insurance Act Government of Canada site. You can visit Service Canada Government of Canada site to find out more.

You are entitled to sick leave protection if you have worked for the same employer for at least three consecutive months.

You are protected for any absence less than 12 weeks.

Your seniority and your pension, health and disability benefits will continue to accrue during your sick leave. Employers must make their normal share of contributions and pay them within a reasonable time, but only if employees also continue to make their required contributions. Failure to pay may affect your benefit plans (check with your employer to find out how), but would not affect your status with your employer.

You must provide a medical certificate if your employer requests one—in writing—within 15 days of your return to work.

Hope that helps. :)

Monica M.
on 4/19/11 6:44 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
oh you're so freaking smart, Trudy... all that studying pays off, eh?
on 4/19/11 8:16 am - Sudbury, Canada
Aww shucks...thanks :)  It's amazing that stuff actually sinks in sometimes! LOL

on 4/19/11 3:49 am - Canada
Well you can go through sunlife and make a claim for STD however it is considered an elective surgery and may not be covered you can also take extra leave which is a minimum of 5 weeks off you have to take and they just recalculate your pay so that it is spead over another 5 weeks and you still get paid just your pays for the rest of physical year would be less.  Hope that helps!

on 4/19/11 5:33 am, edited 4/19/11 5:34 am - Hamilton, Canada
What makes you think it's elective?  Did you already find out thru your insurance?

I don't think this is considered elective surgery - it is recommended by your GP thru an OHIP funded bariatric centre, and paid for by OHIP.  OHIP doesn't pay for elective surgery (hence, they'll pay for a necessary panni removal, but not a tummy tuck).

I haven't heard anyone say they were denied STD for this surgery, so I'm wondering if your statement is fact or supposition.


Former RNY patient revising to Sleeve then DS.
Appts: Dietitian - January 21/19; July 16/19, August 13/19, September 17/19, October 15/19; Social Worker: August 23/19; DS Orientation: March 20/19; Internist: September 30/19; Surgeon: November 13/19 (signed consent).
Surgery Date: February 28/20.


on 4/19/11 3:50 am - Ottawa, Canada
You can always apply for LIA (leave with income averaging) You can take up to 12 weeks...minimum is 5 I think

Ask your HR rep but I think you can get an advance on your sick days as well.....and yes you can get short term medical leave but I htink the process for that is paperwork out the ying yang and by the time you finally see any money, you are back to work anyways.

I work for the feds too, but not in HR.




on 4/19/11 3:54 am - Toronto, Canada
I work for the province, not the feds, but I would bet the essentials are the same.

I was covered under short-term sick leave (ours is up to 6 months).  If that isn't enough, there's long-term sick leave of up to two years. 

Prov. gov't doesn't care why you are sick, or what kind of surgery you need.  I asked for 6 weeks off and got it, no questions asked. 

As Karen advised, give your HR rep a call.
      weight loss includes 25 lbs before optifast         
on 4/19/11 3:56 am - Ottawa, Canada

Just spoke with someone from SunLife and apparently I don't qualify for STD until I've been off for 13 weeks!  That's nuts! She told me I'd have to go through EI-Disability first.

Referral sent 2010-03-02
Information session 2011-01-21
Appointment with the nurse 2011-02-17
Appointment with Diet/Behav 2011-03-09
Scope 2011-04-29
Education session 2011-05-04
CT Scan 2011-06-02
Appointment with Dr. Yelle 2011-06-28
Appointment with Dr. Klein 2011-08-16
Surgery - Hopefully!