WLS and travel

on 4/26/11 1:12 am - Ottawa, Canada
There is a slight possibility that I might have the opportunity to travel to Singapore for work in September.  It is looking like my surgery could be in August.  I'm wondering what your opinions are.  I will discuss all of this when I meet with the surgeon but...

...how long after surgery can you travel?
...how long after surgery did you feel comfortable to travel (with the new eating regime)?
...given that I may only be 3-6 weeks post-op should I postpone my surgery as I won't have access to my surgeon should there be complications?
...should  I postpone my surgery anyway so that I can 'live it up' while I'm there?

If I postpone my surgery it will have to be put off until October because I wouldn't want to be on Optifast while I'm there.

Just looking for some advice!

Referral sent 2010-03-02
Information session 2011-01-21
Appointment with the nurse 2011-02-17
Appointment with Diet/Behav 2011-03-09
Scope 2011-04-29
Education session 2011-05-04
CT Scan 2011-06-02
Appointment with Dr. Yelle 2011-06-28
Appointment with Dr. Klein 2011-08-16
Surgery - Hopefully!
on 4/26/11 1:18 am - Toronto, Canada
No way would I travel that far one month after surgery.  

At 6 weeks post-op I was throwing up all the time due to a stricture.

My first and only trip away so far was 4 months out and I had a miserable time trying to find appropriate food to eat.

that's my two cents' worth.
      weight loss includes 25 lbs before optifast         
Marny B.
on 4/26/11 1:50 am - Canada
I tend to agree with Lisa.  By 4 weeks out, I was just finishing my liquid diet, and by 6 weeks, just starting soft foods.  Finding stuff to eat in a foreign country where the "staple" foods might not be easy to access, could be difficult.  It's not really a time to be trying new things.  Additionally, IMO I would be worried about developing complications and not having my surgeon near by.  Language barriers could be a huge issue if God forbid, you did have a complication like a stricture, and needed help.

That being said, everyone heals differently and tolerates food differently after surgery, and it is really anyone's guess as to how you'll recover.  If it were me, I would take this trip of a lifetime, if it meant postponing my surgery for a month or two.  It would be worth the trade for me, as long as I had a date nailed down for surgery when I returned, but that's just my take on it.

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


(deactivated member)
on 4/26/11 2:02 am
I went on a cruise at seven weeks but I knew I was still able to get to a good doctor if there was any complications. The food on the cruise ship freaked me out with so many choices, even though there were lots of good things to eat, the choices overwhelmed me.

I would hold off on the surgery and enjoy.
on 4/26/11 6:17 am - Kitchener, Canada
Live it up in Singapore and postpone the surgery.  The last thing you want to do is be there with no medical support system or a pharmacy that undrestands your problems. 

Confirm that you are in fact making the trip before changing the surgery date. 
Mary A.
on 4/27/11 12:40 am
wow what a wonderful opportunity.

..if your work that could take you to SIngapore is short in duration I would personally re-schedule my surgery...

most people do not have any complications..in my support group of almost 226 individuals, only (3) people were hospitalized due to complications.

Something as simple as dehydration could send you to the hospital...

not knowing the language (even though many speak English) I wouldn't want to be in a foreign country trying to negotiate assistance through a 1-800 # on the back of my extended health care card~! while in excrutiating pain etc.

Also, (IMO) I wouldn't live it up...if I were you...this is the time you need to start making adjustments so that AFTER surgery it won't be as dissicult, to walk away form the things you shouldn't be consuming.  Sure you may want to experience the culture etc...but keep the fried foods and alcohol in check.

I gave up soda sompletely 6 months in advance...I had to it was only a 1 can/day habit, but it was a HABIT~!

I travelled 4 days after surgery but it was only a 3 hr drive home..I couldn't fathom flying 1/2 way around the world at 3 weeks...at 3 weeks I was working part-time and coming home every night totally exhausted.

I hope you are open to the suggestions posted in this thread..although each persons experience is different...many are the same..

ALL the best

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN
