
on 5/2/11 1:59 am - Ottawa, Canada
So...I had my scope on Friday.  For those of you *****ad some of my previous posts you'll know how scared/worried I was based on a really bad experience last time I had a scope.  I don't know what was different this time but the proceedure went great.  I didn't even gag!! (and I have a bad gag reflex.)  Dr. Yelle was great and very understanding of my fears.  So that was the good part.

He now wants to send me for a CAT scan.  I've had two surgeries on my stomach (nissen fundoplication) and based on the results of the scope he wants more information.  I asked him if this could affect whether or not I could have GBS and he said he would have to see what the scan says.  Now I'm worried that I won't be able to have surgery.

Has anyone heard of someone being denied because of this type of complications?

I'm not freaking out about it yet (no sense without more info) but I am a little worried.

Referral sent 2010-03-02
Information session 2011-01-21
Appointment with the nurse 2011-02-17
Appointment with Diet/Behav 2011-03-09
Scope 2011-04-29
Education session 2011-05-04
CT Scan 2011-06-02
Appointment with Dr. Yelle 2011-06-28
Appointment with Dr. Klein 2011-08-16
Surgery - Hopefully!
bellamia 1976
on 5/2/11 2:56 am, edited 5/2/11 2:58 am - Canada
Yes you will have the surgery! Dont worry!!! He will explain to you if he cant do the RNY a VSG will be your other option! I knew of a few others that had major problems due to previous surgeries and he was able to go back in fix the problem and still do the RNY! You are in good hands but just make sure to find out who assists with him at time of surgery!!! Be very careful of Dr. Raiche she is new and she screwed up on me which caused me a 3 week stay in hospital and nearly 2 blood tranfusions!!!! Be sure to ask alot of questions - its your health - i regret not asking!!