I don't get it...

on 5/4/11 11:41 pm - Ottawa, Canada
I try very hard not to be judgemental, especially with people who obviously struggle with their weight.  I'm there myself and hate being judged.  Having said that I just had to share what I saw yesterday.  I was at my 3 hour education class in Ottawa yesterday afternoon.  There was a girl there who was already on Optifast with her surgery coming up soon.  She was sitting there drinking a diet Pepsi.  Huh???  We're supposed to be on clear fluids, no caffeine and no pop!

The behaviourist was asking us about what we can do now, pre-surgery, to change our lifestyles.  Someone said to stop caffeine, I said to stop drinking pop.  The girl covered her can of pop with her hands and actually said "I'm feeling so judged".  Ummmm....you're in a room full of people who would do anything to have this surgery and have it work and you're flauntingly (is that a word) disregarding the rules!!!  Her mother had surgery in the US so there is NO reason not to know what she should and should not be doing!  She then mixed up an optifast shake, drank it and then finished her can of pop.

I'm having a lot of emotions about this, I'm not sure why other than the fact that I've been waiting so long for this and am willing to work hard at this and it feels like she's wasting everyone's time!

Grrrr...sorry, just had to get this out.

Referral sent 2010-03-02
Information session 2011-01-21
Appointment with the nurse 2011-02-17
Appointment with Diet/Behav 2011-03-09
Scope 2011-04-29
Education session 2011-05-04
CT Scan 2011-06-02
Appointment with Dr. Yelle 2011-06-28
Appointment with Dr. Klein 2011-08-16
Surgery - Hopefully!
Tabetha A.
on 5/4/11 11:45 pm - Ajax, Canada
 Actually, Diet pop is allowed on Optifast.  At least the last few guidelines I've seen from a few of my fellow support group members that were recently on it.

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on 5/5/11 2:35 am
I wasn't allowed diet pop on Optifast, and the dietician at HRRH wants you to stop pop well before optifast time.
Sue in Courtice
My angel is Ashleighsmom 

(deactivated member)
on 5/4/11 11:47 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
I was allowed diet pop and caffeine on Optifast.  We were allowed caffeine the day after surgery too.  Perhaps Ottawa says no pop and no caffeine but not every centre says that.
on 5/5/11 2:15 am - Hamilton, Canada
I think the rules are different for Lap Band than for surgery, since LB'ers aren't actually having their stomach cut into / apart.  Yes, there is a surgical procedure involved, but it's not as invasive as the RYN or Sleeve.  Perhaps that's why you were given different rules that those heading into surgery these days.  Or, since it looks like your LB procedure was a few years ago, perhaps the rules for that have changed, too.  Not sure.
(deactivated member)
on 5/5/11 2:20 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
The pre op diet hasn't changed much at the clinic I went to.  Instead of 4 shakes per day they now do 3 shakes per day and 225 calories of approved veggies.  The diet pop on Optifast is still allowed at some centres as Tabetha said.  The procedure has nothing to do with the pre op diet, it's just a matter of preference for each centre/clinic.  The pop isn't encouraged but we were allowed it if we wanted it.  I chose not to drink it as I knew they didn't want us drinking it post op.
on 5/4/11 11:50 pm - Sudbury, Canada
Just for clarification, when we are on optifast we are not on clear fluids.  The clear fluids stage is after optifast for the 2 days before surgery.  At least that's how it is in Hamilton.  I totally get your frustration though.  It's hard seeing someone blatantly break the rules especially when we all work so hard to get to the surgery date.  Just know that you are following the rules and you are going to be a soaring success post-op.  If others want to sabotage themselves, let them.  It's not going to affect you one bit.  Breathe!  Relax! :) :) :)

on 5/5/11 9:40 am - Hamilton, Canada
 The Hamilton protocal calls for Optifast plus you can have Sugar-free clear liquids ie SF popsicles, jello and low sodium broth.  So technically I think we are on clear liquids along with the Optifast and for the 2 days prior to surgery only the clear fluids and no oprtifast.

on 5/5/11 2:04 pm, edited 5/5/11 2:05 pm - Sudbury, Canada
This is straight out of the booklet from Hamilton:

Drink at least 2 litres (or 8 cups) of fluid each day:
􀂃 Drink sugar-free, calorie-free beverages that are
non-carbonated, including water, decaf coffee or
tea, and Crystal Light.
􀂃 Low fat broth, sugar-free jello, and sugar-free
popsicles are included as fluids.

Coffee is not a clear fluid and neither is optifast so by definition we are not on a "clear liquid" diet while on Optifast.  We are on a calorie and caffeine restricted diet.  In fact at my dietician appointment I was joking about flat diet coke and she said that would be fine if I liked that kind of thing (I don't) LOL

Here is the link for the book to clear up any confusion.  All the best to you :)

http://www.stjoes.ca/media/PatientED/F-J/PD%206000%20Bariatr ic%20Surgery%20-%20Gastric%20Bypass%20April%202010.pdf

on 5/4/11 11:53 pm - Ottawa, Canada
I dont know about whether we're allowed diet po*****t....but I think I get your point.

You get to a point in the waiting process where it feels like you have just made so many changes and are just SOOO READY for this...and see others perhaps not taking it as seriously as you are and feel a bit resentful that they are taking up a spot ahead of you in line.

Only thing I can say is that you have to remember that you are doing this for you. Perhaps others are doing it for reasons that may not allow them to be as successful as you will be....but in the end, that is not your issue to deal with.

I totally know how you feel though. Take a deep breath, centre your chi and focus on you.



