Nurse/dietician/social worker appointments

A T.
on 5/28/11 1:03 am - Hamilton, Canada
 Hi Everyone

I have my first appointment coming up on June 8.

What exactly do they ask you at this appointment, the nurse, social worker and 

Any information you can give me will be very helpful!

on 5/28/11 1:12 am - Sudbury, Canada
I am going through Hamilton so I can only tell you my experience there.  The nurse was very brief, she weighed and measured me and told me about the surgery and post-op.  The dietician went through the diet that we have to follow pre-op and the different stages we have to follow post-op.  She just made sure that I understood that there are major changes required.  She told me to start taking my supplements and cut out alcohol and caffeine right then in preparation for surgery.  The social worker was more involved.  She questioned me about my mental health, my past, my current family situation, my support system and stuff like that.  Hope that gives you an idea of what to expect. :)

A T.
on 5/28/11 1:16 am - Hamilton, Canada
 Thank you very much!

I am also going to St Joe's Hamilton.

Do they ask you for your food journal, do you need one?

on 5/28/11 1:18 am - Sudbury, Canada
There was no mention of a food journal.  They did suggest writing things down after surgery just to keep track of fluid and protein intake.  Nothing pre-op though.

A T.
on 5/28/11 1:21 am - Hamilton, Canada
 Thanks for your reply it helps me a lot!

A T.
on 5/28/11 1:33 am - Hamilton, Canada

Did you get any appointments booked shortly after your first appointments, like the ultrasound,

on 5/28/11 1:47 am - Sudbury, Canada
My ultrasound was done long before I went to see the nurse, dietician and social worker because the next appointment you get after that is usually the internist and she needs the results.  Ask the nurse about it when you see her.  You will get your internist and scope appointment shortly after this one. 

A T.
on 5/28/11 1:55 am - Hamilton, Canada
 Who made your appointment for the ultrasound, Did Krista?
on 5/28/11 2:13 am - Sudbury, Canada
Krista sent the requisition for the ultrasound, ekg and bloodwork to my family doctor and they scheduled the ultrasound. 

on 5/28/11 3:50 am
 Hi Allison, if you go to the pictures on my profile, I uploaded some of the forms they gave me at these appointments.
Referral sent on 26 Feb 2010 - Sleep Study on 28 May 2010 - Info session at WMC on 14 Jan 11- Appt with the APN (nurse) on 27 Jan 11 - Dietician and Behaviorist appts on Feb 24. WLS Class 6th April 2011 - Surgeon appt 3 May 2011 Dr Yelle - Surgery June 6th          
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