what can i expect??

on 6/11/11 1:08 am, edited 6/11/11 1:09 am
Hello all,

Just waiting for some free time so i can book an appointment to see my doctor again..

This time i am not leaving with out a referral!!! (especially since our city will know have a center to deal with pre-op and post-op :) 

What are some things i might expect with the referral?
What have been your starting points on this? (anything you had to do before)

I'm seeing lots of posts about Optifast???? 

I'm just trying to figure out what my next steps might be and to help prepare my family for things i might have to do.

Thanks! :) 

on 6/11/11 2:17 am - Canada
I am just at the referral stage as well.  My doctor just took basic info (height, weight, brief outline of weight related health problems) and faxed the form in.  I waited a few weeks and then contacted the registry to make sure they got it.  They confirmed they had and which hospital it had been sent to.  Then I contacted the hospital and they confirmed my contact info and booked me in for an orientation session.

My doctor has never referred anyone before so he is just waiting for instructions from the hospital, but from reading others posts there are probably tests he could be setting up for me now.  I will wait to see what they say at the orientation Monday.


Highest weight ~ 360, Surgery weight ~ 280, Current weight ~ 171
Referral to bariatric registry ~ April 29, 2011  SURGERY ~ September 27, 2011
My  is Gailupnorth.

on 6/11/11 8:45 am - Hamilton, Canada
Hey, Tracy.

Just wanted to let you know that your GP can really only set up the sleep apnea test (if you need one, which most obese people do) and perhaps the ECG.  Other than that, the clinic has specific tests to be done that a GP wouldn't know about - esp. what blood tests are required and the ultrasound.

I had my GP do my sleep test referral to a private clinic rather than thru the hospital.  If I had waited for St. Joe's, I'd still be waiting until August 8, only to find out only have mild apnea (no treatment needed).  Because I went to a private clinic and got in much sooner, I am heading to surgery in 2 1/2 weeks.

Hope that helps.

on 6/11/11 11:22 am - Canada
Thanks Beth.  I was planning to ask Monday which of the tests my doctor can order and which need to be done directly through the hospital.  I live about two hours north of HRRH, so I am hoping some can be done closer to home, but if not that's okay too.

When you say you went to a private clinic, does that mean you had to pay yourself?  I have no benefits, so I need to do everything the cheapest way possible! 

I know my doc will be more than willing to
on 6/11/11 2:24 am
I am not sure about exactly what your doc needs to send them with the referral since I was referred JUST before the bariatric registry went live, but most likely your height, wieght, BMI, any health conditions, particularly ones that may be related to obesity. I don't think YOU have to provide anything for the actual referral to be sent off - that's the doctors job. Once they receive your referral at the central registry and distribute it to the closest bariatric centre, you will most likely be sent a welcome package with TONS of questions to answer about your diet, lifestyle, support system etc...

Good luck with EVERYTHING!!! Keep us posted :)
My angels are sam1am and Joyce J. :)  
on 6/11/11 2:27 am
Oh, and from what I've read, you should follow-up with the registry/hospital you are assigned to to make sure things go quickly and smoothly. There was no number for me to call when I was referred, so I waited and waited for 5 long months until it was confirmed that SOMEONE got my referral. It's a long wait any way you go, but you'll get there! I did!
My angels are sam1am and Joyce J. :)  
Diminishing Dawn
on 6/11/11 3:19 am - Windsor, Canada

17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 6/11/11 5:01 am, edited 6/11/11 8:39 am - Hamilton, Canada

Your GP can send in the referral on line at www.bariatricregistry.ca.  It will get into the system faster than faxing.  You don't do anything but make the request.  If he/she won't do it, find out why.  Sometimes they just don't know enough about it to feel comfortable making the referral.  Tell him/her to go to the above website and get the info.

All the info on my journey is in my sig block below, so I won't repeat it here.

There's lots of info you'll learn over the coming months - I'll just highlight a bit here ...

If you smoke, stop that 6 months prior.  If you drink alcohol, caffeinated drinks (including pop, coffee, tea), carbonated drinks (all pop, or any 'sparkling' juice), that must be stopped 2 months prior.  You can drink decaf coffee and tea.  Start taking multi-vitamins 2 months prior.

I'm starting Optifast on Monday.  It's a protein drink that you need to take from 2 - 4 weeks prior to surgery to shrink your liver.  It's in the way when they operate and everyone who's obese has a fat one.  Not sure what the criteria are for the length - some say BMI, but mine is high enough to get 3 weeks but I only got 2.  During Optifast you also only get sugar-free, calorie-free drinks - water, decaf tea or coffee (no milk), Crystal Light - nothing with carbonation - and low fat broth, sugar-free Jell-O and SF Popsicles.  This is what my booklet from St. Joe's (Hamilton) says, but programs can vary, so it may be different for wherever you go.

You also have to take multi-vitamins and calcium citrate for the rest of your life, as the surgery is 'mal-absorptive'.

Below is a link where you can get a rough estimate of time for you.  Every hospital is different, so this is listed by hospital/clinic.  It was created by OH member EricaFG.

https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AvBMWgPqaVJldGRNSlJ kcmRZSmVTNWhFbVJEWWhFX1E&hl=en&authkey=CJCu_tcC

This is a life-changing event, not to be taken lightly.  WLS is a TOOL, not a solution, to obesity.  You have to work with your tool to make it work for you.  If you cheat, you're only cheating yourself.  Some people who have gained all their weight back say the surgery didn't work.  The surgery worked fine - you didn't work at all.

I hope I was helpful to you.  And again ... WELCOME!


Former RNY patient revising to Sleeve then DS.
Appts: Dietitian - January 21/19; July 16/19, August 13/19, September 17/19, October 15/19; Social Worker: August 23/19; DS Orientation: March 20/19; Internist: September 30/19; Surgeon: November 13/19 (signed consent).
Surgery Date: February 28/20.


on 6/11/11 8:31 pm, edited 6/11/11 8:32 pm - Hamilton, Canada
I disagree with you completely.  As someone who has had WLS (and you, I have to point out, have not), I know that sometimes, just like medications and treatments, that not all weight loss surgeries are for everyone.  By saying that 'you didn't work at all', you are being ignorant.  If you do just a little research, you will find that people often need second, and sometimes third operations to assist in their journey.  People come here for information and support, not to be lectured.  I am sure most people who are overweight have been lectured at some point and know that it does not work.  I think  you need to be a little bit more sensitive and informed before making posts that can negatively impact people.  You should only hope that in five years when you may need some more help, that you are not responded to in such a manner.  I don't want to start a debate, but you are only spouting off what you have read, not what you have lived or experienced.
328 - Highest Weight
305 - Surgery Weight- July 26th, 2011
