Surgery class July 21

A T.
on 7/18/11 12:10 am - Hamilton, Canada

I am having Surgery class at St. Joe's Hamilton on July 21, at 1:30.

I know that Tanya has the class also is there anyone else going?

How long does the class usually take and what can I expect?

on 7/18/11 1:54 am - Welland, Canada
I will be there too :)

St Joes Hamilton Ref Sent 01/20/11 Surgery 08/23/11 with Dr.Gmora. My  Tanya T


A T.
on 7/18/11 2:25 am - Hamilton, Canada

That is great Carole !  I will see you there.

How did your surgeon appointment go, did they give you a surgery date?

on 7/18/11 3:57 am - Welland, Canada
My surgeon apt went very well :) and no surgery date yet

St Joes Hamilton Ref Sent 01/20/11 Surgery 08/23/11 with Dr.Gmora. My  Tanya T


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