4 week food questions

on 8/25/11 8:20 am
So I have rounded the 4 week mark. In my pamphlet it says to start intergrating regular foods.
What did most of you eat between 4-6 weeks 6-8 weeks and so on. I dont want to pu**** but as for food it seems anything I try so far is good to go (all healthy of course)
I am however dying for some crunch other than crackers! I can not wait to crunch into a raw carrot! I am dying for salad. No cravings for sweets at all...I love it.
I seem to be hungry alot this week but I did start my eriod 3 days ago so not sure if related or not. Boys close your eyes tmi, but I have had THE worst period ever! So strong and killer cramps and since I usually medicate with advil I chose nothing. I am afraid to take tylenol pills in fear of choking!
Now today I have a killer migraine so I will be off to bed in 5 mins.
Also does anyone know if I can add the liquid calcium into my shake? I can not stand the taste or the texture-blech , I'm such a baby!
We may be heading to Nova Scotia via car (hope I'm not pushing it too much 5 weeks out then)
We will be visiting the out-laws, curious to see what they say if anything at all as they never say anything to my face. Oh well as long as we have fun!! Road trip!! I call shotgun....
Thanks guys
on 8/25/11 8:42 am
Hey Tango,

I've recently started my regular food program and have found several things that agree with me. My favourite being homemade Shepherd's Pie and a steamed shrimp recipe from Eggface that I just modified a bit with the veggies I like and can have.  As for crunch, I still make crystal light ice cubes that I had during full fluids. Just make a bottle of crystal light and freeze it in an ice cube tray. When frozen, just mash them up with a meat mallet in a plastic baggie, it's like a crunchy slushie. 

Hope that helps and enjoy your roadtrip!
Katie  ♥     
on 8/25/11 10:35 am - Newmarket, Canada
Where is your list from the nut class?? I have mine (from TWH) right in front of me ;) It tells you what you should be trying at this stage...

Weeks 4-8
try first-
fish, minced or soft white meats, eggs, low fat cheese
soups, not pureed
canned veggies or well cooked fresh veggies
canned fruit (no sugar added)
cold cereals, potatoes, pita bread or wraps for sandwiches, low fat crackers

try last-
red meat
bread (try toasted first)
fresh fruit
fresh veggies and salads

common problems:
eating too fast, chew each bite 20-30 times. try putting utensils downbetween bites
eating too much: take small bites, use smaller dishes and utensils
boredom: avoid eating the same foods over and over, add seasonings to your foods, try new recipes
dehydration: carry water with you wherever you go to sip throughout the day. add lemon juice or crystal lite or other low calorie drink mixes.

Hope this helps as a refresher.
Have you had you 1month follow up yet with Katie or Lorraine??


BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 8/25/11 2:19 pm - Canada
I stuck to soft foods pretty much.

I also have bad cramping.  I HATE crushed tylenol with anything so I spent the money and bought children's chewable tylenol.  I think 6 pills is an adult dose so 2-3 doses per bottle but it is well worth it if it helps at the beginning.  By 10-13 weeks out tylenol broken in half will be fine.
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