Why Why Why????

on 10/10/11 11:25 pm - Canada
Why do I do this to myself???   Yesterday all I could think about was food....non stop!  Last night I grabbed a piece of leftover pizza and ate the whole piece except for about an inch of the crust.  I didn't enjoy it at all, and yet I ate the freaking thing!!!  10 minutes later, I was puking so hard, I think I found Jimmy Hoffa.
Hubby came out and was rubbing my back as I sobbed in dispair asking whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy do I do this to myself?  It's so glaringly apparent that I have HUGE issues with food still and I think I need to get some help with it.  I don't want to totally ruin this gift thats been given me.
I really feel like such a weak assed loser right now. 
Brenda T.
on 10/10/11 11:46 pm - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12
Aww I'm sorry you are having a hard time right now. I don't have the tool yet, but I can sympothize with you. Don't get too upset with yourself, it is definately in the head. You can still talk to a councilor at the wlc right? Don't be afraid to ask for help, it will help you get the most out of your tool as well.

Don't feel bad about yourself, you are doing the right thing in getting help.
Thinking of you.

Brenda             Visit my profile for timelines                         My  is Monica M.

Marny B.
on 10/10/11 11:48 pm - Canada

First of all, you are not a "weak-assed loser".  You are human, not perfect, and above all else (like all the rest of us here), you are a food addict.  The physical change in us happens at the moment the surgeon makes the first incision.  That is the "easy" part.  The mind games, and the emotional attachment to food- it doesn't just dissapperar.  That's the hard part.  It will be with us forever, and it is nice to hear that you recognize that there is a problem and that you need to seek help with it.  That is exactly what you should do and do it now.  Don't wait. Use this troublesome incident as an impitus to get help if you need it.   

If you were truly weak, you wouldn't have made the very difficult decision to undergo surgery, you would be in denile over your struggle with food, and you also wouldn't recognize that you need to get help.  Focus on how far you have come.  Remember Optifast?  Remember right after surgery when you had to walk and walk, drink tiny little sips of protein shake, and very slowly make your way back to solid food?? That was a lot of hard work and you did that- ALL OF THAT! That doesn't sound like a weak person to me. Use those things as your anchor points.  Everytime you struggle, remember what you have already accomplished and use that for reassurance that you are willing and capable to get through this.     You ARE strong, and lets be real- you will have bumps and blips along the way.  The key is to get up that miute and get yourself back on track- not in the morning, not on Monday- right away.   

Good luck.  You can do it!!

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


on 10/10/11 11:48 pm
awwww...:(  you poor thing....and you are so NOT a loser...well, you are...lol...but not that kind.

The only thing that I think that could tell you is that, well, me I'm a tough ass woman, I don't need therapy, I don't need help, kick yourself in the ass and get a move on with life, kinda girl...I'm a little like that still but with way more compassion and heart...I think...lol  

Once I was referred for this process, my NP told me that it would be a great idea to get ahead on the process because they are most likely going to ask me to follow a councellor/therapist, and if I didn't, maybe the process will be postponed.  I think she just knew me way more than I do myself cuz at the end, I didn't need it for the process but man oh man did it help. 

To be honest, when I got there, I was afraid that it would change who I am in the sense of the way I thought of life, which I love, so I was scared a bit.  But wow, it opened my eyes on the way I was doing things.  The way I was processing my entire day around food and not including food in my entire day.  I said it before, it was an eye opener when while on Optifast, I went to the grocery store, and within the first 15 seconds that I walked through the doors, I knew exactly where to go to get my fix, AND I knew exactly how to do it to make it in less walking steps....god forbid if I had to come back on my steps and make myself walk more...lol

Have you ever tried councelling?  I have a Family Health Team so the councelling is free, I don't know how it works in other family doctors etc but maybe it would be an option!

Hope it helps but most of all, I hope you feel better and learn from that pizza moment!

    ~Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you really wanted!~    

on 10/10/11 11:48 pm - Canada
Everybody messes up sometimes, but no experience is wasted if you learn something from it. Why were you thinking about food all day? Were you stressed out, bored or sad? Or maybe you had too many carbs and not enough protein the day before?  What could you do differently next time instead? Learn what you can from this, then let it go and move on.

on 10/11/11 1:30 am - Belleville, Canada
RNY on 03/23/10 with
Hey hun. I understand. I think we all do. I love Marny's response as well as the others. I've been having such a hard time lately myself and although I'm much further out, I'm still a food addict too and have been working hard with a councillor to get things fixed. It's taken me over forty years to get here so I'm sure it will take time.
On a side note, I hope you can make it to the meeting on the 23rd. Support is huge at all phases of surgery. We need each other and no matter how little we have in common, we all have the one big thing that we share and that's our food issues. It bonds us and helps us to be there for each other. Do not be so hard on yourself and remember you're not alone!
Taking my life back ... One step at a time because great feats are
completed not by strength, but by perseverance.

Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, let go of what you can't change.

Monica M.
on 10/11/11 2:32 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
Today is a new day.

Today, you reached out to your supports, this forum, and asked for help. That is not what a weak person does.

Yes, you have huge issues with food. Yes, you need to deal with them.

You should contact your centre, and make an appointment with the Social Worker. He/she can either do some counselling with you, or refer you to someone in your area who is knowledgeable about food issues.

Try looking at some of the information in this group   www.obesityhelp.com/group/allinthemind/
there are lots of good resources there, that could help.

I've been using the Beck Diet Solutions Workbook, and its helping me develop strategies to use when i feel like succumbing to the lure of those nasty foods that put me in this situation in the first place.

You are an amazing woman, who deserves to be healthy and doesn't deserve to call herself weak.

on 10/11/11 4:03 am, edited 10/11/11 4:03 am - Canada
There is nothing more I can say to you that hasn't already been very eloquently said by everyone before me.  Except you are fighting a disease.  This isn't an easy battle and that is what it is.  Don't beat yourself up, take the next step forward.  You will be fine, you will get help just hang in there.  I hate seeing anyone being so hard on themselves. 

I'm sending all kinds of good vibes your way.

on 10/11/11 5:01 am, edited 10/11/11 5:01 am - brantford, Canada
Hi Hun it is ok.i have had times where i can not stop thinking about food and i am three years out.it is ok just move forward from your mistake.know you know you cant handle pizza.like the other ladies suggested get a hold of the social worker at Humber where you had surgery and explain what happened and she or he can help you through this.i am sending you hugs and positive vibes.you will have good days and bad days through out this whole weight loss joureny.keep posting to get you through this .you are not weak assed loser.i am glad you reached out here for help.this is a good place to come and vent get support.it dos not matter how far out in your journey you are this is the place to come for help.i am sending you hugs to my dear oh friend.please keep us posted on how you are doing and feeling.take care
PAULA(paula-37) ps i hope i helped encourage you in some way.
Gwen Boldick
on 10/11/11 6:02 am - Canada
first thing...you are not a weak ass loser....we all have thought this way one time or another.....second, you should of phone me so we could of talk....third,,,,i live right around the corner from you i could of come to talk to you....you have my phone number....fourth,,,,do you do crafts of any kind to keep your mind busy and away from food....i find sometimes for me, if i get bored than i think of food so i do crafts to keep me busy or go out for a walk.....verona, i mean it i am here for you and you should call me so we can get to know each other and help each other when this comes up.....hugsss
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