What I could never do when playing darts...

on 12/12/11 10:55 am - Canada
...I managed to do with RNY.  Not sure how many of you are dart players, but I spent a lot of years aggressively defending my berth in mediocrity with Hammerhead darts in my hand.  Perfect score in darts is 180 (hitting the triple 20 on all three throws).  It is usually noted by a loud and bad imitation of a sport announcer with a British accent yelling an elongated "oonnee huuuunnndredd and eightyyyyy"  Tried for years and came close, but never quite got it.

Hopped on the scale this morning, looked down and heard that voice...

"One hundred and eighty!!!!"

Pam B.
on 12/12/11 12:41 pm
wtg!!!  congrats!  you must be thrilled :)
         Referral Sent: February 2011   Surgery Date: November 2, 2011 by the fantabulous Dr. Gmora!!!    
on 12/12/11 8:35 pm - Port Rowan, Canada

Love this line: ...aggressively defending my berth in mediocrity

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
  but anyone can start today and make a new ending.? ~Maria Robinson

HW:  292 lbs          SW:  226 lbs        Clinic's GW:  160 lbs          My GW: 145 lbs
Monica M.
on 12/12/11 9:54 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
i love it!!!!! My hubby plays darts, and he's always saying that (not that he ever gets onnnnnnnnnnnnnnne hunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndred an eightyyyyyyyyyyyy), but he loves saying it. I just realized that i'm only a few pounds off of that mark too!!!!

Congrats, Sher1ock!!!!!
Karen M.
on 12/12/11 10:42 pm - Mississauga, Canada

You have a wonderful gift with your writing, Janet.  Way to go on the oonnee huuuuunnndreddd and eighyyyyy!!!!



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 12/13/11 2:03 am - Canada
I LOVE IT.....

that's so cool

good for you.
on 12/13/11 9:06 am - Meaford, Canada
RNY on 09/04/12
Oonnee huunnndredd eightyyyyyy sounds like a dream to me!  I'm still at the "on deck" pre-op stage and can't wait for surgery.  I'm sure a nasal sounding man's voice will announce...  "Theyyyy'rrrrreee at the post, and theyyyyyy'rrrrreee offfffffffff!"  :)  Sandy


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