on 3/28/12 12:07 am - Canada

I had my orientation on Monday. I only want the sleeve. When I spoke with the RD. she said you can only have the VSG if you have medical issues that prevent you from having RNY

is there anyone out there that had the VSG with the above surgeon and didn't have any reason not to have RNY?

Thanks for reading.   And responding
REF SENT: DEC 2011  ORIENTATION: APRIL 19TH, 2012!!!!    
cherry jam m
on 3/28/12 12:56 am, edited 3/28/12 12:59 am - Canada
I recently had a VSG last wednessday by Dr Hagen. He is one of the best so you are in excellent hands. I had to chnage surgeons because i too only wanted the VSG. it**** and miss really,but Dr Hagen will not force you to get the surgery you dont want and he doesnt take much convincing. I did have iron deficientcy bc of heavy periods and used NSAIDS which is the only reason surgeons will agree to do a VSG for you. So get researching and see if you need NSAIDS for any condition and you will get a VSG. Dr Hagen also said that its my body and therfore I had a right to what i wanted done to it as i will have to live with it. So go to the meeting prepared just incase you have to defend your choice.The more prepared you are the better.
Good luck
on 3/28/12 1:22 am
RNY on 06/26/12
I was also hoping for a VSG due to NSAID use for chronic pain and migraines. Dr. Hagen wouldn't even think about the VSG for me despite my being armed with facts. I'm now headed to Dr. Klein due to some schedule juggling by the ladies in the office. Good luck!
cherry jam m
on 3/28/12 2:37 am - Canada
Like i said its a hit and miss. My original surgeon DR Sullivan was adamant not to give me a VSG dispite all eveidence i showed him it was the best for me meanwhile he agrees to do VSG for others with little persuasion.So just try your best and if the answer is no then look for another surgeon that will.
on 3/28/12 3:40 am
RNY on 06/26/12
I also forgot to mention that according to the OHIP schedule of benefits, the VSG is $530 cheaper than the RNY. Given the way my last appointment with  my surgeon went (he finished the appt. by taking a cell phone call and gesticulating to me to sign the consent form, then left) I have a feeling that money does play a role in pushing the RNY. 