cell phone or wi- fi conection

on 4/17/12 11:00 pm
Does anyone know if in Guelph General has any wi-fi conection or can you use your cell phones there while your in for WLS???
on 4/18/12 12:34 am - Wasaga Beach, Canada
When I had my surgery (November 2010) they did not have WiFi. They also discouraged cell phone use, but I did anyway. Shhhh don't tell anyone!

(deactivated member)
on 4/18/12 1:24 am - Guelph, Canada
 GGH  does not have wifi or even a patient use computer..... they didnot care if i used my cell to talk ot tether my tablet and that was in feb 2012 when ihad my hyster
on 4/18/12 4:31 am - Windsor, Canada
There was no wifi in December and as far as I know it's not on the priority list there (and should not be). Like most hospitals, they have relaxed cell phone usage on medical floors. Certain areas near sensitive equipment will have signage. I used my Rogers Mifi (portable internet) while I was there, as well as an Android smartphone.
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