Exercise...any thoughts?

on 5/1/12 3:19 am
So my life is so busy that I find it hard to get out and walk or jog in daylight hours.  I'm not ready for a gym membership yet...but really need something at home to work with.  Both my husband and I are looking for something to use.  We're thinking treadmill but we would have to make room for it.  The big question or argument is new or used.  Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Or advice?  Thanks!
Orientation: Oct. 5/11     NP: Nov. 16/11     SW: Nov. 16/11
NC: Nov. 23/11     N-1on1: Jan. 6/12     PSYC: Jan. 6/12
Surgeon:  Feb. 24/12     Surgery:  March 20/12

(deactivated member)
on 5/1/12 3:23 am - Canada
If you're gonna buy a treadmill...go new. You just never know the condition of the internal parts/motor if it's used. Im planning on buying one too for the winter.
(deactivated member)
on 5/1/12 3:28 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
I wouldn't buy a used treadmill.  Watch for sales as they often come on for 50 percent off.  Also you will want to see what the max weight is for them.  Many of the ones you buy at places like Canadian Tire or Sears have weight restrictions of 250 lbs. If you go to a place like Fitness Depot you will get a much better quality one for higher weights but you will pay a lot more for them as well.
on 5/1/12 3:34 am - Canada
Hi Sunny,

Have a look at the Cardio Strider. It's relatively new, bascially a recumbent (seated) eliptical that gives you an extraordinary core work out and takes up a lot less room. I recently bought one and, although this *Y&(&*(& broken foot has put a hitch in my git along, I have found it to be a truly amazing workout, especially since weight bearing exercise is a nono for my arthritic spine.

There are also some great treads out there if you prefer. Don't ever buy used. Buy new and invest in the extended warantee - way worth it. If you consider the cost of a gym membership x 2 and then multiply it by the number of times you can't get there because life gets in the way....

As far as room goes, in my quest for an execise machine, I came across many treads that were collapsible. Probably not the most powerful, but good at what they are.

One more warning - go to specialty stores - that only sell fitness equipment and compare prices. The online rating system is hugely skewed by really good marketing and people that are paid to sit and give good reviews all day. They will tell you buy this one or that one. The people in the stores have an investment in a happy customer and will help you make an informed purchase.

Good luck!



Referral St. Joe's, Hamilton - Surgery May 28, 013 


on 5/1/12 4:46 am - Sumerstown, Canada
I love Thai chi and Pilate's When I cant get to the gym!

Highs weigh   241                                      Referal: November, 2010
Before opti     231                                      Surgery date: May 10, 2012
After opti        220                                           

on 5/1/12 5:16 am
 We bought a treadmill at canadian tire 3 plus years ago and it's still great and i use it everyday. the weight resistriction is 300 lbs on it. canadian tire ususally has sales or clearence prices on their fitness equipment. If i remember correctly we paid $800 for it, and it's still in great shape. folds up nicely for space saving too. good luck.
on 5/1/12 5:51 am - Trenton, ON, Canada
RNY on 05/02/12
I recently bought a T8.0 direct online from Nordic Track. It is so great. Jillian Micheals will talk to you during your workout to keep you motivated. It has a nice fan and speakers. You can create your own route and then play it on google maps and it automatically adjusts the incline to match the route. It came with a chest heart rate monitor too. $930 including the ifit wireless module and shipping was free.
Dr Ref: Sept 9th '10, Dr. Follow up (file lost in bulk transfer) Aug '11Pre-surg Asmt Ottawa: Dec 9th '11File Transf to HRH -another bulk transf Bypass class: Feb 2 '12 Surgeon Consult: Feb 8 '12    Dietician: Feb 8 '12   Soc Wrkr: Feb 8 '12 Nurse: Feb 8 '12 Internist: Mar 9 '12  Surgeon: Apr 4 '12 Opti:Apr 18 '12 SURGERY: May 2 '12    
Lisa H.
on 5/1/12 9:01 am - Canada
VSG on 03/28/12
I bought my treadmill used and I love it!  No problems at all.  Its 1 yr old and worth $1400.  I paid $200...guess i got lucky.