
on 9/4/12 4:10 pm - Canada
RNY on 03/05/13
Orientation session is on Thursday in Guelph. So begins the journey. Sleep test done, bloodwork done. GI and ultrasound for early Oct. Things seem to be moving a little more now (after 11 months of waiting). However, I know it will be another wait before surgery day. Just glad to be moving forward finally!
on 9/4/12 4:22 pm - London, Canada
 I have mine in Guelph on Thursday also that's great.  I have the Sleep test and bloodwork also.  Did they tell you to get the GI and Ultrasound?  They only said about the other two tests for me.  It will be 1 year on Set 26th for me......a loooonnnggg wait that is for sure, hopefully things move along faster now (although I have been told it doesn't) but I will hope for the best.
on 9/4/12 4:39 pm - Canada
RNY on 03/05/13
They contacted my doctors office and told them I was to have the GI and ultrasound done, so they booked it for me and then called me.
on 9/4/12 4:48 pm - London, Canada
 Oh that could be why I wouldn't have heard, it would be impossible to get ahold of my doctor I have a hard time..... I had my bloodwork done 1 month ago and they said that my Thyroid was off (I am not surprised they switched my medicine and the pharmacist didn't know which one I was to take so I stopped taking it till I went for the blood test so it was no surprise that it was off to me) lilttle did I know that I couldn't get a dr's appointment until Sep 18th for a follow up............yep the 18th that will be 7 weeks from when I had my blood test..... so I worry now if my doctor has to be the one to see me about getting these appointments it may take me longer as they wont get me in for appointments.  I talked to the nurse last friday and she didn't say anything about  tests.  I wonder why they have one person do tests ahead and others not? I just hope it doesn't stall things.
LuAnne H.
on 9/4/12 5:07 pm - London, Canada
Hi Cindy,

Is there anyway to call your Dr.'s office and have them send a requisition to Victoria Hospital for the Upper GI and abdominal ultrasound?  It shouldn't delay anything at this point in time!  Good luck on Thursday!


Referal Apr.17, 10   Orientation Feb.24, 11  !st  App (SW,NUT.RN) May 17, 11
2nd App (SM,NUT,RN) Jul. 7,11, Post-op Nut class Jan 13,12,  surgeon Feb27,12
surgery April 5,2012
on 9/4/12 5:07 pm - Canada
I'm going through Guelph as well.  We were told about the ultrasound and Upper GI at the orientation.
on 9/4/12 5:31 pm
I just had my surgery last week in Guelph. You will love the people there. I was 1 year from the orientation to the surgery, however I got all my tests done after the orientation in October 2011, so having them done ahead of time might speed things up. Tip. After orientation they tell you to call to make appointmenst to see the counsellor, nurse and nutrientist, I had to wait 3 months to get an appointment for all three in the same day. You can get ealier ones if youbook them separately. If I could change anything I would do that as it could have sped up my surgery date.
on 9/4/12 6:09 pm - London, Canada
 Thanks LuAnne I was thinking that maybe I will say something to them about getting these done ahead of time.  Anything to speed it along.

When I talked to someone from Guelph about a month ago they said they were revamping things to speed it along quicker and then when you  get your appointments you will get them all at once and she said that will be better.  But I was thinking that if they do that I will still call and see if there are single appointments availble.
on 9/5/12 4:02 am - Canada
RNY on 03/05/13
I am trying my best to keep in mind that I am not the only one going through this and that many others will be trying to make appts. etc. It helps me not to be so anxious - I am sure it is hard for them at the clinic to get all of us in at a good time for us. It must be hard. I know some people tranfer over to Toronto West or St. Joes in Hamilton because things move a lot quicker at those hospitals. I am ok staying with Guelph.  Maybe I will see you tomorrow.
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