Barrie Support Group Meeting Sept 15th

on 9/8/12 7:29 pm - Orillia, Canada
REMINDER!!!! SATURDAY SEPT 15/12 1:00-3:30 PM

Barrie WLS Group Meeting at 49 Ferris Lane, Barrie.. Behind the Ferris Lane Community Daycare in the Chapel of the Church of the Nazerene..

Look for the butterflies on the door. All are welcome and bring your support people.


                 "Don't trade what you want the most,
                    for what you want at the moment."


on 9/9/12 5:28 pm - Canada
 Please let me know when the next one is.  I think I'll still be in the hospital for this one, my surgery is booked for Sept 12.
on 9/9/12 5:47 pm - Orillia, Canada
Good luck on Wed. I am sure everything will go fine.

The October meeting is on the 20th. Same time, same place. It would be great to have you come if you are up to it.

Take care



                 "Don't trade what you want the most,
                    for what you want at the moment."


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