
on 1/23/13 8:54 am

Ahhhhh what a dear, Joey went out after a long day working in the extreme cold and picked up, delivered and assembled the treadmill I've been looking at from Canadian Tire. I know he didn't really want a treadmill, but the elliptical he got is just too much for me 6 days post op.... And it's way too cold to get my walking in outside brrrrrrrrrrrr.

so now we are one of 'those' couples... We can't use our front door, but side by side my treadmill and his elliptical face the living room tv. He's almost five months... I'm almost a week, we can do this. ;)



HW:282      pre-opti W: 268       CW: 172.       SW:255.5

Surgery: RNY   Jan. 17, 2013   Dr Raiche   OTTAWA

on 1/23/13 8:58 am - Collingwood, Canada
RNY on 02/06/13

You guy's are awesome!


on 1/23/13 8:59 am - Canada

Love it! i am sitting here laughing because i was looking today at getting a treadmill.  Mine will be here by the weekend.  I think thats the way to go for sure. How is your eating / drinking? have you tried anything yet?


on 1/23/13 9:09 am

Pacing in my house was making me insane ;)

i got the one at canadian tire $599 for a horizon ct5.3

i made chicken salad with costco canned chicken yesterday, today I had some refried beans with cheese. Mind you it's tiny amounts... Oh and Greek yogurt for breakfast. 

How bout you??? 



HW:282      pre-opti W: 268       CW: 172.       SW:255.5

Surgery: RNY   Jan. 17, 2013   Dr Raiche   OTTAWA

on 1/23/13 11:46 am - Ajax, Canada
RNY on 04/29/13

So nice to see such great support for each other!

Referred HRRH Apr.  2012, Info. Session: Sept 12/12, Surgeon Consult: Dr L Smith Sept 19/12,  RD/SW/RN/ Nov 19/12.  Surgery Date:  April 29, 2013


on 1/23/13 12:31 pm
That is the treadmill I have too! If you can try to use the incline at least 1.5 or higher as that is more like walking outdoors. I walk at least 1 hour ever day, it is so habit forming that I feel odd when I have a day off from it.


on 1/23/13 7:50 pm

Right now at one week I am just trying to get in a walk every 60-90 minutes for 10 minutes.

Slow speed, no incline... but a s soon as everything feels better I'll ramp it up :)


HW:282      pre-opti W: 268       CW: 172.       SW:255.5

Surgery: RNY   Jan. 17, 2013   Dr Raiche   OTTAWA

on 1/24/13 12:10 am

I love my treadmill right now. It's my new best friend. lol I can walk for as long as I want and can stop whenever I want and not be stuck somewhere. (that has happened to me) You will really enjoy having it.

Good Luck and enjoy!

on 1/25/13 1:25 am

Hi, That's the treadmill that i got at Cdn Tire just before Christmas.  My surgery was on Nov. 14.  I really like having the treadmill in my basement.  We live out in the middle of the country and I'm not walking outside in the pitch black, in the frigid cold, when I get home from work.  Also, I'm a 40 minute drive away from the closest gym, so I like the option of working out at home.  I crank up my ipod (this treadmill has built in speakers!) or watch shows that my hubby has no interest in (but it's candy for my brain after a stressful day).  I'd been using it 3-4 x/week for 45-60 mins, and was up to a good speed, alternating with some incline, but here we are at Friday, and I have made excuses every night this week, and haven't been on the damn thing since last Sunday.  God, that is SO like me.  I really need to make exercise a priority every day (or at least 6 days/ week), but I'm already dragging my a**.  The thing is, I always like the feelings I have after I exercise - satisfaction of doing something healthy, helping my body during this "honeymoon" phase of WLS, endorphins, etc.  Why oh why do I self-sabotage??  ~ sigh ~
