For all the Men or Women out there who can HELP??

on 2/27/13 8:55 am - HawkJunction, Canada

Hi, I am looking to get my Man boobs removed and hope somebody out there could help? I am wondering if anybody has the forums to apply to OHIP for this or how I go about doing this. I was told today by a receptionist at our local medical clinic that OHIP does not cover this but i have my doubts. I had weight loss surgery by Dr. L in 2008 and weighted well over 300 pounds and now I am at 200 lbs. and feel good beside this concern so if any Men or Women can help me that would be great.

* ~ Derek Gignac ~ *
(deactivated member)
on 2/27/13 9:28 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 04/04/13

I cant say 100%, but i do know that Ohip only covers skin removal if the excess skin is covering genitalia and/or impeding on your daily functions.

Gynecomastia (aka Moob Removal) would only be covered under very special cir****tance  but i am not sure who you could get as a surgeon to even try and apply, as it is seen as cosmetic (unlike the pannis removal)

if your looking for cheaper ways to remove, you may want to do your homework and find a legit out of country medical clinic who is licensed and preforms the procedure in 100% i said do LOTS of homework if you go that route but will def be cheaper then here in Canada.

Good luck on whatever choice you make

on 2/27/13 9:52 am - HawkJunction, Canada

Thanks keeping my eyes and ears open.  Want to go to ***** Cana next year so I am hoping to have it done by then if i can afford it if not covered

* ~ Derek Gignac ~ *
(deactivated member)
on 2/27/13 9:54 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

They sometimes cover breast reductions for women so you could call some local plastic surgeons and ask whether the procedure that you need is ever covered under OHIP. 

on 2/27/13 9:55 am - HawkJunction, Canada

thanks Tracey

* ~ Derek Gignac ~ *
on 2/27/13 10:29 am - Kingston, Canada
Myself, my sister, and 3 of my friends have all had breast reductions, the most recent would have been 3 years ago. All were completely covered under OHIP with application made by our respective plastic surgeons for the reason of back/neck pain and headaches. I'm not sure if this applies to men as well as women but it's certainly worht a try.

Ref- Aug 2011, Orient ( OWMC )- Nov 11, Transfer to Kingston- May 12, NP, DT,SW,H-pylori ( neg ), BW, Ab US,- Jul 12, NP return Aug 12 ( HBA1C 8.2 ), started insulin - Sept 12, Diabetic Opti Clinic-Jan 11 13 ( HBA1C 7.0 ), pre-op class- Feb 6 13, Surgeon Feb 22 2013 ( Dr. Hagen HRRH ), Dr. Glazier March 18 2013, PATTS Mar 12 2013, Opti Mar 21 2013 Surgery April 4 2013.


(deactivated member)
on 2/27/13 10:40 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 04/04/13

I have a friend who tried claiming the same reasons....but he was denied.

A female breast reduction is VERY different than post WLS Gynecomastia.  I dont think you can claim back/neck it is more cosmetic..I know what he means i too when this weight is gone will have droopy moobs...

Give it a never know!  Good luck!

on 2/27/13 10:53 am - HawkJunction, Canada

do you happen to have those dr's name of your Plastic surgeons.  Thx

* ~ Derek Gignac ~ *
on 2/27/13 11:43 am - Kingston, Canada
Dr, Shumacher at HDH in Kingston performed surgery on 3 of us ( and countless others here in Kingston )however he is now retired. The 4th was a plastics in Ottawa, sorry I don't know his name.

Ref- Aug 2011, Orient ( OWMC )- Nov 11, Transfer to Kingston- May 12, NP, DT,SW,H-pylori ( neg ), BW, Ab US,- Jul 12, NP return Aug 12 ( HBA1C 8.2 ), started insulin - Sept 12, Diabetic Opti Clinic-Jan 11 13 ( HBA1C 7.0 ), pre-op class- Feb 6 13, Surgeon Feb 22 2013 ( Dr. Hagen HRRH ), Dr. Glazier March 18 2013, PATTS Mar 12 2013, Opti Mar 21 2013 Surgery April 4 2013.


on 2/27/13 12:23 pm - Midland, Canada

There was a recent thread on this site a few days ago (wish I could remember who posted) about having been to Havana, Cuba for plastic surgery, that the surgeons where top notch and many people from Quebec seem to have utilized the services from plastics to dental, etc.  I wish you much success on your quest.









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