a few days shy of 4 months

on 4/5/13 8:50 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 12/10/12



I can't believe how fast the time has flown by. This has been an amazing journey and I know I'm just in the beginning. I'm at 80lbs lost with quite a few to go but I feel amazing!!! I'm not getting as sick as I used to when eating. I know my body so well and what it is willing to tolerate or not. But most things go down easily. NSV happen almost daily and I get my SV's weekly. What a roller coaster ride and I can't wait for summer to be here. My clothes are too big but I refuse to buy pants now knowing in the fall they won't fit. So I have my "skinny" summer clothes that I am so excited to try on!!

The one thing I wasn't expecting that I struggle with is the emotional battle. My hormones are nuts some days. I want to cry then bite someone's head off in the next minute. I feel like a fast car going 0-60 in seconds!! LOL Thank gosh my beautiful wife is so supportive and is able to help me calm down. Newbies be prepared for that part. It's not as bad as say two months post op but I still have quite a few moments.

The pics below are from 1st day of Opti and 4 months post op. I can't believe the change. I'm still in shock and wish my brain would catch up with my body!!


I don't post as much as I used to but I read all the time. Cheers to everyone starting the process, in the process and after the process. Such an amazing ride and can't wait for more victories!!








Sylvie G.
on 4/5/13 9:16 am - Monroeville, IN
RNY on 04/16/13

Wow, you look fantastic. What a big change. Keep up the great work. Very inspirational for me as I'm having surgery in 10 days. 

Referral - 12/21/12, Referral Received - 1/10/13, Orientation - 1/21/13, Met Dr. Hagen - 2/20/13, NUT, RN, SW - 3/13/13, Gastroscopy - 3/13/13, Dr. Glazer - 3/21/13, Pick-up Opti - 3/21/13, PATTS - 3/21/13, Surgery - 4/16/13



on 4/6/13 12:06 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 12/10/12
You will do great!!! Don't even worry! Best of luck!!




on 4/5/13 10:39 am
VSG on 12/13/12

Wow you look awesome!  My surgery was a few days after yours & I'm feeling really good also.  I know what you know what you mean about the clothes, but I have no choice to buy a few new things as I work in an office!  

Good luck!  Keep up the great work!  I'm actually flying to TWH on Monday for my 3 month appointment!  



HW: 352.6.  Opti wt: 331,   Surgery wt: 308. CW: 190.4

Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at the moment!!   --Eggface

on 4/6/13 12:07 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 12/10/12
My 3 month appt was pretty easy. I'm my sure if TWH takes a while for blood work results but I just recieved mine last week and my appt was beginning of March. Good luck!!




Hanneli xoxo
on 4/5/13 12:10 pm - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 10/30/12

Beautiful! look at your neck! This crazy ride is all worth it, isnt it? :)

on 4/6/13 12:08 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 12/10/12
Looking at pics still shocks me. I don't remember ever seeing my neck before!! Lol
Thank you!!




on 4/5/13 12:27 pm - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

Oh my goodness! Look at you! Awesome!

I hear you 100% on the emotional roller coaster issue. I'm sometimes surprised my hubby hasn't made me sleep in the garage.

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 4/6/13 12:09 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 12/10/12
Thank you!!
And I'm sure if we had a garage I would be in it! Lol




on 4/5/13 1:05 pm

Congrats on your success to date!   My God, the Blue Jays shirt and the white one underneath it are too big, you are swimming in it.  Love your smile in the second pic.


