Need suggestions for pureed/soft foods stage

on 2/14/11 7:45 am - CA

Can anyone point me to a link that has a list of what's allowed on pureed/soft foods? I'm confused. When I think of pureed, I think baby food consistency, yet I see people saying they eat deli meat and Wendy's chili. I know I can have scrambled eggs, cottage cheese and all of the things I've had on my liquid diet (oh yay, more protein shakes). I have the WLS for Dummies books. Should I just go back and re-read those?

Links to helpful blogs would be great, too.


on 2/14/11 7:56 am - CA
I ate butternut squash, mashed potato, sweet potato, scrambled tofu, SF pudding, edamame, cauliflower, spaghetti squash, bananas, bean salad.
on 2/14/11 8:02 am - CA
Did you blenderize the spaghetti squash and cauliflower?
on 2/14/11 8:28 am
RNY on 02/04/11 with
I found this page just the other night when I was searching for the same info:
Amanda F.
on 2/14/11 10:43 am - RI
Here is what I have been living on :  Hummus, plain Chobani, oatmeal, applesauce, prunes, pureed dinner that i make for my family (soup solids yesterday and chicken broccoli and tomatoes tonight).  cream of wheat, pureed egg whites.   I know this all sounds good , right?  any suggestions for me?
on 2/14/11 11:58 pm - CA
Oh, I love  hummus! That's actually a great suggestion!
on 2/14/11 10:53 am
 I am in this same stage and everyone was talking about deli meat so I tried it.  I ended up sick for 24 hours and they thought I was going to have to have an EGD because I could not keep anything on my stomach, not even water, so was scared I had a stricture.  No deli meat for me for a long time.  

 RNY 1/24/11

on 2/15/11 12:00 am - CA

Here are a few good suggestions! Great blog, too. I'm going out to buy a B&D mini chopper today so I can try some of this. d-foods.html

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