What's on the menu RNYer's

on 11/25/14 10:35 pm - Kalamazoo, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

So it's the day before Thanksgiving.  I know everyone is busy.  I just wanted to take a moment and start the thread to keep me on target for today and tomorrow.  Hope everyone is having a good day, I am doing last minute errands for tomorrow.  Brrrr... it is cold I wish I didn't have to go out.  That wish isn't going to come true still gotta go

7 weeks out

B  ricotta pancake and 2 smoke links

L  scallops 2oz and 1/4 cottage cheese

D  2oz of ribs and 1/4 cup mashed potatoes

S  popcorn, and string cheese or maybe jerky

735 cal, 75 protein

V/W started

E  ride the bike 45 minutes and walking

I hope everyone is having a good day making good choices. 


on 11/25/14 11:09 pm - Brighton, IL

I'll join in here too. I've already done level 3 of the 30 day shred DVD this morning and will go up to the park with Lily here in a few minutes even though its cold here today. Not sure how far we'll go but I will get at least 3 miles in somehow. Weight today at 121.4 and on track with fluids and vitamins. Here's the food plan B1/2 c steel cut oats with nuts and half a banana with peanut butter L leftover egg fu young from last night S apple with peanut butter D some type of protein going out with hubby after I pick him up from the airport S Greek yogurt with nuts. Hope everybody has a great holiday tomorrow!



on 11/25/14 11:26 pm
RNY on 02/25/14

Good morning. I have been really busy and what scares me is I have put off my exercise the past two days!  I have to stop this. I am really looking forward to getting back to normal. 

B: premier protein, tea

S:  almonds

L: quest bar while doing errands

S: Greek yogurt

D:  flat out pizza-- I was planning on having this last night but didn't  

S: Kay's naturals chili cheese protein chips

Totals:  1020 calories, 107 protein, 82 carbs




on 11/25/14 11:37 pm

Hi, I'm new here and haven't had my surgery yet but it is scheduled for December 30.....I am reading your menus and they all sound very good and I have a question....I notice nut! I love to eat nuts and I was afraid after the surgery that I wouldn't be allowed to eat them anymore.....how long have y'all been after surgery that you are allowed to eat them again?....

on 11/26/14 12:19 am
RNY on 01/22/14

Hi Sandals,

Each Dr's plan is different, but I think I was about 2 months out when I started eating almonds.  I started with larger nuts, now I eat whatever I want (I just slowly incorporated them based on how I felt).  Good luck with your surgery, for me it was the best decision I've ever made!

on 11/26/14 2:50 am - Brighton, IL

I didn't really start eating nuts until about 8 months out when I got to goal. Then my dietitian encouraged me to add measured amounts of nuts and peanut butter because they are a source of good fats and protein. I do measure the amounts I eat carefully and then put them away. They do have quite a few calories but in limited measured amounts are part of my diet every day. 



on 11/25/14 11:54 pm, edited 11/25/14 11:55 pm
RNY on 07/17/14

Hi, I'm here too!  I have to work a regular day today.  Well, it looks like I'm working but I'm really thinking about my timeline to get my menu together and trying to remember if I need to stop at Wegman's for any last minute items.  At the very least, I think I may stop and pick up an oven bag; all the girls at work are like "you have to use one", so I figure what the hell.  Anything that makes cleanup easier, I'm all for it.

Product recommendation!  Fiber One Chocolate cereal.  Dee-lish.  This (with a 1/2 c. skim milk) was my midnight snack last night after I finally realized the reason I was ravenous was because I didn't eat enough.  Chocolatey goodness with 6 gms protein and 9 gms fiber; it was totally worth the 125 calories.  Thumbs up!


B:  coffee and Yoplait Greek apple pie flavor

S:  a clementine and a 1/2 oz. of pork rinds.  This was my snack yesterday and it was very satisfying so I'm doing it again!

L:  the very few of us in the office today are ordering in Chinese, so I'm having steamed edamame and wonton soup.

D:  I think a Morningstar Farms veggie burger with some shredded cheddar melted over.

TOTALS:  Cals:  800  Protein:  71  Carbs:  67  Fat:  26

Have a great day and a Happy Thanksgiving!





on 11/26/14 2:13 am - Kalamazoo, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

Hi AV,

I use Reynolds turkey bags every time I bake one.  The turkey is always juicy, the baking time is shorter, it browns nicely, delicious every time and easy to clean up.  Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving



on 11/26/14 2:59 am - Brighton, IL

I usually use a bag and my mother in law does too. Turkey turns out perfect and moist every time. I've already made my sugarfree cranberry sauce last night and made three pans of homemade yeast rolls this morning. Tomorrow all I have to do is get up and make corn casserole for my husband and take everything to my inlaws. My oldest son and his girlfriend are coming down just for the day because they work retail and have to work early early Friday. Hope everyone has a great holiday!



on 11/26/14 12:16 am
RNY on 01/22/14

Good Morning All,

Happy almost Thanksgiving!  I"m gearing up for a 5 1/2 hr drive up to Nor Cal, and it's going to be a LOOONG drive (I drive with my parents, and my dad hates the radio...so yeah, hopefully I've got lots of good day dreams or I get tired to help me get through it :)  I'm in the pitfall it seems 99% of people on OH go through, I'm 2 lbs away from Onderland and my body just won't let go of the weight.  I really wanted to hit Onderland before Thanksgiving, but it didn't happen :(  I guess I just have to let my body do what it needs to do!  I'm hoping that b/c I'm mixing up what I'm eating the next 5 days I may "trick" my system and boost my metabolism...that's my wishful thinking at least :)  A girl can dream, right....

Have a great Holiday everyone, and as it's Thanksgiving, I just want to say how thankful I am for this board.  Any success I have had I can honestly say a large part of it is the help and support I've received on OH, and this thread in particular.  Thank you to all of you, I'm grateful!

Time since surgery: 10 months

B - Chicken sausage & slice of cheese

L - TBD (we'll be in the car, I'm guessing I'll eat some string cheese and deli meats)

D - TBD as well, I'll try something light, b/c I can't make the same promise tomorrow :)

W/V - On track

E - None planned, but I'm going to check out the exercise room as soon as I get to the hotel, so maybe I'll get inspired after the long drive to move a little :)


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