9 weeks out, possibly 6 weeks pregnant

on 12/18/11 1:21 pm - Australia
So i made a mistake and may be 6 weeks pregnant, will be getting confirmed this week.

I haven't been able to eat much at ALL and today i have been constantly snaking on food
I mean it hasn't been alot of food all at once but im feeling so hungry today and havent been

Do you think this could be pregnancy hormones making me hungry.

Will this baby be effected because i eat so little.

I really didn't mean to get pregnant this early out if i am!!
on 12/18/11 1:27 pm - TX
 It is possible to have a healthy pregnancy after surgery. 9 weeks is REALLY short by a lot of standards around here (I believe a toprated poster here, USAFWife, was much further out from surgery when she got pregnant). That being said, you absolutely must get your OBGYN and surgical center staff together on this. If you intend to go along with the pregnancy you are going to have to jump through a good many more hoops than someone with a normal capacity. Do not attempt to put this off or figure it out on your own.
on 12/18/11 1:28 pm - CA
I seems to happen a lot.  Don't feel bad.  Do a search on Pregnancy post vsg and you'll see lot's of posts.  Maybe you can hook up with some of that group for some good advice.   Good luck !  Hope you have a happy healthy pregnancy and baby!
putting one foot in front of the other...        
on 12/18/11 1:52 pm - NYC, NY
DS on 01/23/13
 Well, being pregnant while obese carries its own higher risks --  greater chance of gestational diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia, and fetal distress.   Since the sleeve isn't malabsorptive, there shouldn't be the same concerns like those who've had a DS or RNY.  However, you have to be especially sure that you're getting enough iron, folate, B-12, calcium, and vitamin D.  You would be wise to see a nutritionist and make sure you're eating the right things for the proper nutrition that you and the baby needs.  Once pregnancy is confirmed, don't put that off.  And you shouldn't see this as an excuse to over-indulge because you're Eating For Two.  Again, a good reason to see a nutritionist and do what's both best for baby and best for someone who's had WLS but not yet at goal.

Good luck! 
on 12/18/11 2:00 pm - Australia
thanks HEAPS for all your replies. I've been snacking on peaches and bananas all day so it isn't that bad on what im over eating but non the less!

will definately once confirmed speak to both my doctors!
on 12/18/11 2:13 pm
Hi there -

I don't know much about this except that ketosis can cause brain damage to the fetus, so it is important to start getting those carbs in right away.  Basically your instinct/craving to go for the bananas and peaches is the right thing.  Add some crackers too.  And call your Dr for advice in the AM :)

Best wishes in your journey.

5'9" All weight lost post-op. Goal weight determined by body composition testing.

on 12/18/11 2:40 pm - CA
VSG on 01/12/12
Yes - please see your doctor RIGHT away.  You honestly may not be able to eat enough at this point to sustain the baby. 
Zee Starrlite
on 12/19/11 5:32 am
You got a positive urine test at home?  Confirmation is a blood test?  If you got a positive at home especially with numerous tests, no doubt you are preggo.

Very early hun but what is meant to be will be.


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 12/19/11 7:16 am
The key right now is to stay out of ketosis. Go eat some crackers, push fluids, and eat your protein.

The baby will take from your body what it needs. It's your body that will and can suffer if you do not eat enough to sustain your body. Your teeth can become weak, and your system can get deficient very quickly even though we do not have the malabsorptive portion like RNY or DS.

Since you are early out, you are more than likely still overweight/obese so you may continue to lose weight until the end of the pregnancy. AND, that is perfectly OK as long as you are monitored for your lab levels,  and that the baby is growing and developing on target. You'll need to take a prenatal(I stayed on my bariatric vitamins per my ob's authorization) and a b12 that is sublingual or by injection, and have your labs checked regularly to make sure you do not get deficient. Right now, your capacity is probably super restricted so you'll more than likely have to eat several small meals a day. I also had to drink 100oz of clear fluids per day. Your ob will go over all the details, and give you the necessary guidelines to follow.

I was 19 months out when I got pregnant, was below goal, and was prescribed to eat 1700-1800 calories a day with at least 100gr of protein and a minimum of 100grams of carbs. I gained 35lbs in the pregnancy(which is exactly what my ob and surgeon told me I would/should gain), and have lost 22lbs in 7 weeks since delivery and I'm not dieting to lose the weight. I didn't experience hunger until the end of the pregnancy. BUT I had insane cravings from the beginning.

If you aren't pregnant, double up on the birth control methods, or seek better birth control options if your bc failed.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

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