glucouse test alternitives?

on 4/1/12 11:48 pm - Norfolk, VA
I am due for a glucose test soon, and I was wondering if there was an alternitive option that those nasty red or orange drinks. I do NOT do well with sugar gives me the shakes and cold sweats poat op which in some aspects is good for me lol but not in this case. Any ideas on alternitives?
on 4/2/12 12:24 am
For my pregnancy, you know they make "normies" do that ridiculous glucose tolerance test. I flat out refused to do it. Even though I have zero issues with sugar, dumping or any problems, that test is so old, and outdated, and can easily be screwed up by eating carbs the night before. I tested at home for 2 weeks, 4 times daily. First thing fasting in the A.M. then 3 times throughout the day 2 hours after my 3 biggest meals of the day. It was a pain in the ass, and it sucked poking myself, but I just wasn't going to be tagged with gestational diabetes after chugging 75grams of straight within 3 minutes. There are some other alternatives such as carb loading and then having your level checked 2 hours after eating, but my OB didn't recommend that route for me.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

on 4/2/12 1:32 am - Norfolk, VA
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