March 2017 Surgery Date!!

on 12/28/16 12:29 pm
VSG on 03/30/17

I got my surgery date today...March 30, 2017!  I am so excited!  Does anyone else have a March 2017 surgery scheduled? 

HW: 246 GW: Healthy & Happy

on 12/28/16 1:12 pm
VSG on 12/07/16


on 12/28/16 1:16 pm
VSG on 03/30/17

Thank you so much!

HW: 246 GW: Healthy & Happy

(deactivated member)
on 12/28/16 8:01 pm
VSG on 10/31/16

That is awesome!  

on 12/29/16 1:48 pm
VSG on 03/30/17

Thank you!  I am so ready!

HW: 246 GW: Healthy & Happy

on 12/29/16 12:29 pm
VSG on 11/29/16

Congrats, TOBF!  I wonder why the delay?  Your surgeon must be hella busy!  :)  Good luck! 

on 12/29/16 1:49 pm
VSG on 03/30/17

Thank you so much!  He definitely is super busy but I also requested a Thursday so that I can work for at least 3 days that week. lol So his next Thursday is March 30th.  I work in sales so that actually works well for me and gives me time to get things situated at work for my time off. :)

HW: 246 GW: Healthy & Happy

on 12/30/16 3:54 pm
VSG on 01/05/17

I'm hoping for January. Congrats on your date.

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