Denied after 2 appeal

Jana T.
on 6/14/03 5:34 am - Deer Park, WA
I have just received my second denial letter from Uniform Insurance. I will ask my primary care physician to write yet a third letter requesting an exception to policy and hope finally they will help me. I'm currently frustrated at having to battle so hard to extend my health and life. I have numerous comorbidities and feel my time and health are declining.
julie P.
on 6/14/03 5:44 am - olympia, wa
Jana Hi I'm Julie and I share your insurance struggles,only with Group Health and an exclusion policy.I'm waiting for my "independant review" and should get an answer in 20 days. I've felt your discouragement/frustration but have promised myself I'll find a way even if it means self pay. Don't give up! WE are worth it!
Amanda P.
on 6/16/03 12:01 pm - Wa
Hi Jana, My name is Amanda. I can completely understand your frustration and heart ache. I was denied for the 2nd time in may. I have many, many co-morbs. and more than qualify for this surgery. I have CIGNA, and see people getting approved left and right that don't have any co-morbs. yet I get denied not once but twice. As frustrated and depressed as I have gotten, I still refuse to give up. infact I just turn all that into anger and it makes me fight harder. With a BMI of now 50, and my health declining, I know that this is my only hope for a healthy life. We may have to jump threw twice as many hoops but we'll get there!! I hope you continue to fight for this too. We deserve it!!! My thoughts and prayers that we will both be approved soon. Take care****Amanda
Jennifer R.
on 7/6/03 8:55 am - Spokane, WA
Hi Jana, I too, am amongst the denied; and I so share your frustration. I can't believe that a lifesaving medical procedure can be so strongly denied for no other reason than "it's a policy exclusion" I'm so sick of hearing that I could spit. I want to know WHY it is a policy exclusion, but noone at Teamsters Trust seems to want to discuss it. I too suffer many comorbidities, and my weight is steadily getting higher and higher as months pass. If you find anything that helps to persuad your insureance company, PLEASE Share, as I feel my time is running out, and I have two small children that I can't bare to see suffer. Sincerely, Jennifer Richardson Spokane, WA.
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