
on 9/1/03 11:02 am - Bluefield, WV
I have been having a lot of negative thoughts about having the surgery. I am scheduled for surgery on October 2 with Dr. Denning in Huntington. I keep getting really scared about it. I truly want to do this so I can have a better and freer life for me and my son. Do other people feel this way before surgery too? I hope so. Sharon Farley
nancy A.
on 9/3/03 9:31 am - Chauncey, WV
Sharon i thank we all have been there but just thank of good thoughts and god will bring you thur it trust in the lord he will help you will your fear i am 12 weeks out and have lost 60pds. and feel great it does get better i feel great i clean house ride the bike walk and keep my mind clear most of all food is not the ans. any more i thank of all the new clothes i am going to get when i get to my size . just thank how much better you will feel once the surgery is behind you and dr. denning is a good doctor i had my surgery in ohio had a great doctor to so just hage in there and good luck nancy
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