Waiting for surgery

Dorothy C.
on 9/21/03 8:21 am - Huntington, WV
Waiting seems like a lifetime, doesn't it? Well, I'm finally approved and have a date set for Nov 5th for surgery. Dr Denning is doing my surgery and I like him very much. I hate waiting ... I'm ready NOW! I guess that's how we all feel. I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm ready to start living. I'm scared but the excitement of starting my life over far exceeds my fears! I have wonderful friends and family that are supporting and encouraging me ... they help me get through each day of waiting. Please feel free to email me if you want to talk or share, Lord knows I need all the friends I can get! Keep me in your prayers. Love U! [email protected]
on 9/22/03 10:18 pm - Newhall, WV
Dorothy, glad to hear you're approved. I'll be praying for you. That you'll have a safe surgery. I believe Jesus will be there with you and bring you out o.k. He truly has blessed me. Praise his name. I am 5 days post op. So far I'm glad I had it done. Still sore but I'm doing pretty good. No dumping or nausea, thank God. But I see now why the Dr. said "take your pain pill when it's due and not wait until it wears out." God bless you and see you on the losing side.
Edna J.
on 9/25/03 5:28 am
Dorothy, Congrat's on your approval. I had my open RNY on May 20, 2002 at Cabell Huntngton with Dr. Goldman and I did just great. I've had very few problems, nothing big, and I would gladly do this again.I was 54 and in a wheelchair and on oxygen/c-pap machine but not now. I only take Vioxx for my arthritis and go anywhere without the chair. I love my new life and I wish you the very best. Keep in touch. Are you coming to the support meeting on Oct.6.? Take care and God Bless. Susy
Dorothy C.
on 9/26/03 9:48 am - Huntington, WV
Thank you for the emails and all of the wonderful wishes and prayers going up for me at this time! I've enjoyed the emails so much and I appreciate my new friends! I'll be at the support group meeting and hope to meet you there! Just wanted to say thank you! Love and Prayers, [email protected]
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